thanks for such a detailed answer Leo, just what I needed. The script will
authenticate/authorize via LDAP and thanks for the pointers on stats/usage.
mov eax,1
mov ebx,0
int 80
On 16 Mar 2012, at 22:58, Leo Currie wrote:
> Alistair -
> That's pretty much correct.
> It might be worth pointing out that the client will probably only prompt
you to enter a username and password if it receives a 401 from the server.
> Icecast will respond to the client with a 401 if the call to the
authentication script doesn't return the auth header
("icecast-auth-user: 1" by default).
> This is another way of saying that the client normally won't know that
it needs to ask you for a username/password without first attempting to connect
without a username/password. And so your authentication script will normally be
called twice for each connection.
> It's perfectly feasible to write an authentication script that uses
something other than the basic HTTP username/password. For example, you could
use the IP address to authenticate clients. Any additional parameters tagged on
to the mountpoint will be passed on to your authentication script too, so if you
had a mountpoint called /stream.ogg and you tried to connect to
/stream.ogg?myParam=123 then the value 123 would also be passed in the parameter
myParam to your script (url encoded).
> So if you've already setup a website with user authentication, you
might be able to allow already-logged-in users to open a stream without any
additional login steps by using a session id parameter on the listen link.
> Or you can use the URL authentication mechanism for simply tracking
listener start/stop events for usage stats (e.g. Google analytics to track
listener events).
> Leo
> On 16 March 2012 12:18, Alistair Young <Alistair.Young at>
> Hi folks,
> is uri authentication an extension of http authentication? i.e. if you use
uri authentication the user is also asked for their username and password, which
are sent to the script via the username and password options?
> thanks,
> Alistair
> --------------
> mov eax,1
> mov ebx,0
> int 80
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