I think the question is, how do you change /icy_0 to /mystreamname,
or at least /mystreamname_0. I'm guessing it would have to be
somewhere in the source?
I'd love to have some kind of control over stream names, such as
having a particular mount point for a stream from a certain IP
address. I have some macs streaming using MacAmp, and they have no
way to specify mount point. Currently I'm streaming each stream to a
Shoutcast server, and then aliasing from the icecast server. Really
clunky, but I don't want all the streams changing names on me if
either the macs or the icecast server were to reboot.
At 9:56 PM -0700 4/19/01, Jack Moffitt wrote:>What default stream name?
>On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 11:33:39PM -0400, john wrote:
>> ok. dont tell me i am lame. i already know.
>> my question is.. where is the default stream
>> name kept? i have rummaged through icecast.conf
>> and ices.conf, and to no avail, i cannot find it.
>> with no coding required on my part.. streaming works
>> on my Alpha. wohoo!
>> ja.
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