The good folks at Side Effects pointed me in a direction that makes
the software work. The environment varible HOUDINI_BUFFEREDSAVE fixes
Houdini files are cpio files ( So it
is my guess that cpio files do not work on GlusterFS. I will do some
more testing once time allows but it would interesting to know what
other have found in this area.
On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 11:34 AM, Todd Daugherty <todd at>
wrote:> I have created a file via Houdini ( To a
> glusterfs cluster. (2.0.8) I created the same file to the local hard
> drive. The file created to the local hard drive works. The file
> created to the glusterfs cluster does not.
> The md5sum binary checksums of the files are different. The md5sum
> ascii checksums are the the same.
> I have straces of both processes and I am interested in any feedback
> that is possible on this topic. I have posted here before about other
> Visual Effects tools having similar problems. (Rendermans PTFilter,
> 3Dlights tdlmake) So there is something that this software is doing
> that goes not work with glusterfs.
> When the Glusterfs volume is exported via NFS or CIFS this problem is
> not present. It is only when using the GlusterFS native client.
> Todd