Greetings, I've _finally_ managed to get a break in my work schedule that coincides with a period where pointyhat isn't barfing on my ARCH. So I was able to (cv)sup src && ports. Update the kernel successfully, and (after hours of work), managed to upgrade ports. But as (cv)sup was discontinued ~3 months ago, the ports aren't well synced, and I'm now working on a fairly wobbly system. I'm on RELENG_8 (8.4), and would like to sync my src && ports via the (now defacto) subversion method. My previous experience is with the client meerly for the sake of obtaining the src, and building -- _not_ maintaining a tree. I've read what little is available in the handbook, and much of the Subversion book. But there are clearly different procedures/nuances where FreeBSD maintenance is concerned, both in the building of Subversion, and it's usage, where FreeBSD is concerned. The biggest questions in this regard, is; 1) what to do with my current INDEX-8 && INDEX-8.db files? 2) what of the "distfiles" directory Do I simply copy them over, and "check them in"? Surely I'm not the only one that still has questions in this regard. Thank you for all your time, and consideration. --chris
In message <b8cefc405bcd2f7248f4c260a9148296.authenticated at>, Chris H (bsd-lists at wrote:> Greetings, > I've _finally_ managed to get a break in my work schedule that coincides with > a period where pointyhat isn't barfing on my ARCH. So I was able to (cv)sup src && ports. > Update the kernel successfully, and (after hours of work), managed to upgrade ports. But > as (cv)sup was discontinued ~3 months ago, the ports aren't well synced, and I'm now > working on a fairly wobbly system. I'm on RELENG_8 (8.4), and would like to sync my src && > ports via the (now defacto) subversion method. My previous experience is with the client > meerly for the sake of obtaining the src, and building -- _not_ maintaining a tree. I've > read what little is available in the handbook, and much of the Subversion book. But there are > clearly different procedures/nuances where FreeBSD maintenance is concerned, both in the > building of Subversion, and it's usage, where FreeBSD is concerned. The biggest questions > in this regard, is; > 1) what to do with my current INDEX-8 && INDEX-8.db files? > 2) what of the "distfiles" directory > Do I simply copy them over, and "check them in"?When I converted from csup to svn I did the following - which seems to work. :-) 1. mv /usr/ports /usr/ports.old 2. mkdir /usr/ports 3. svn checkout into /usr/ports 4. mv /usr/ports.old/distfiles /usr/ports When I do a svn update it ignores distfiles. I hope this terse reply helps. Cheers, Nick. --
Fabian Wenk
2013-Jul-04 15:31 UTC
Where's the docs for FreeBSD maintenance with Subversion?
Hello Chris On 04.07.2013 10:00, Chris H wrote:> working on a fairly wobbly system. I'm on RELENG_8 (8.4), and would like to sync my src && > ports via the (now defacto) subversion method. My previous experience is with the clientFor /usr/src/ I did the following steps: Adjust the variables in /etc/make.conf (remove the "old" SUP* variables and add): SVN_UPDATE=yes SVN=/usr/local/bin/svn Then do the following steps: Backup your custom kernel config file and anything else you have customized in /usr/src/, or if you have the space, use: mv /usr/src /usr/src-old rm -rf /usr/src # only if you did not 'mv ...' svn checkout svn:// /usr/src Restore your custom kernel config file cd /usr/src make update # should not sync anything, just for testing Everything else is "almost" identical as before with csup/cvsup. The only drawback with the subversion method is, that when you would like to upgrade to e.g. RELENG_8_5, you need to redo the above steps with removing /usr/src and checkout. This was more easier with the csup/cvsup method with just adjusting the version in the supfile. If there is an easier solution to upgrade an existing svn checkout from e.g. 8.4 to 8.5, please tell me. With the above created svn checkout and then doing the 'make update' you will get the updates from any Security Advisory affecting your current RELEASE, as it was with csup/cvsup. The checkout with subversion uses significant more disk space than it was with csup/cvsup before. With subversion 1.8 I have ~720 MB (was ~770 MB with svn 1.7) in /usr/src/.svn (RELEASE-9.1) and ~670 MB (was ~830 MB with svn 1.7) in /usr/ports/.svn. A fresh install of a FreeBSD system is also an interesting challenge. In the past I did the install without Ports, then fetched a newer ports.tar.gz from the mirror and extracted it into /usr/ports/ and did use csup to get it up-to-date. With subversion this is a little bit more complicated, as subversion is also in the Ports and not in the FreeBSD base. You could install subversion and all the dependencies from packages and then do the svn checkout of /usr/ports/ and then upgrading the installed packages. Or you install the Ports and use portsnap to upgrade, build subversion and dependencies, remove /usr/ports/ again (probably preserve /usr/ports/distfiles/) and do the svn checkout of /usr/ports/. bye Fabian