On Sun, 18 Nov 2007, Dan Epure wrote:
> 7.0-BETA3 still has issues regarding the pts implementation .
> problems found:
> 1. - GNU screen: starting a screen, opening a few windows and quiting
screen leaves the allocated pseudo terminal in use. 100 screen user, using each
one opening 10 windows will deplete the default of 1000 pseudo terminals leaving
the system unusable.
> 2. - 'ls /dev/ptmx' creates an additional entry in /dev/pty/. when
the number of entries equals kern.pts.max the system became unusable.
The first of these is likely a reference management bug of some sort -- I find
that if I close a pty in screen by exiting the shell, the pts device is GC'd
properly, but if I close it by killing the session with ctrl-k, then the pts
device is not properly GC'd and processes hung off it not properly killed.
believe that closing the master device is not properly kicking the slave
device and causing its consumers to exit, hence the pts device not being closd
and released. Christian was taking a look at this a couple of days ago, and
I've CC'd him.
The second problem is more tricky, and has to do with the cloning model.
Similar problems can exist with other variations on the ptmx implementation,
and I need to give some thought to how to address this.
Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge