On 2007-11-17 22:29, Ivan Voras <ivoras@freebsd.org>
wrote:> Hi,
> I'm reporting a regression in recent RELENG_7, it was present (and
> reported it) on BETA2, and I sadly confirm that it's also present in
> BETA3. The problem is that cd9660 doesn't want to be the underlying
> layer for unionfs.
> How to repeat:
> Boot a system with root on cd9660 (e.g. "LiveCD"), then create a
> UFS-based md/mfs, then try to mount it via unionfs over (e.g.) /etc:
> # <...make a ram-drive / memory file system on /tmp>
> # mount_unionfs /tmp /etc
> mount_unionfs: /etc: operation not supported by device
> This worked ok with BETA1 and even -CURRENT versions, and I've located
> the breaking point somewhere between:
> #*default date=2007.
> #
> #*default date=2007.
> I don't know if the date is local or UTC, [...]
FWIW, if these are dates used as -D 'arg' in cvs(1), then they are UTC.