On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 09:18:12AM -0500, Robert Collins
wrote:> I'm trying to get veracity (http://www.rocksoft.com/veracity/), a
> replacement, working on FreeBSD 5.x. When I try and create a snapshot I get
> the following error for files sitting on my root partition:
> -- snip snip --
> csh.logout
> E: Error opening binary (B) stream of file
> "/etc/csh.logout".
> (OS error message="File is on the procfs (/proc)
> E: Could not obtain attribute B.md5 for this file.
> -- snip snip --
> I've tried taking both PROCFS and PSEUDOFS out of the kernel, to no
> Anyone have any other ideas?
Talk to the authors?
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