Hello, my FLAC plugin to VDR is now running, but the decoder runs into an endless loop at the end of the song. Usually, blocks of 4608 samples are decoded, the last block only has 2220, so I assume this is really the end of the file: Samples decoded: 2220, current time: 292290, bits per sample: 16 Obtaining the decoder states after decoding this last block still looks like decoding should go on. Instead, I had expected to receive a FLAC__FILE_DECODER_END_OF_FILE <http://flac.sourceforge.net/api/group__flac__file__decoder.html#a36a5> when calling FLAC::Decoder::File <http://flac.sourceforge.net/api/classFLAC_1_1Decoder_1_1File.html>::get_state(). Instead I obtain this: Status of decoder: FLAC__FILE_DECODER_OK Status of seekable stream decoder: FLAC__SEEKABLE_STREAM_DECODER_OK Status of stream decoder: FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_SEARCH_FOR_FRAME_SYNC I have no idea, what to use as a termination criterion for my loop around process_single. Any ideas? Lars