On Mon, Sep 10, 2007 at 06:22:41PM +0200, Chris Williams
wrote:> Hi All,
> I''m using acts as ferret and getting a lot of these errors:
> ----
> Error occured in fs_store.c:324 - fs_open_input
> couldn''t create InStream
> <No such file or directory>
> ----
> and also some of these errors:
> ----
> uninitialized constant Ferret::Index::Index::LockError
> `const_missing''
> ----
> Now I''ve got a daemon I''m using to spider some webpages
which is an
> independant process from the actual webserver. I thought I''d be
able to
> get away with it, since the daemon is the only thing that writes to the
> database (the web server just does reads.)
> Do you think this is causing the problem? Any solutions?
most probably it is. When you create (rebuild) a new index where the old
one was, searches will fail because the old index isn''t there anymore.
Try building the new index in a separate directory, or use the DRb
server which exactly does this.
Jens Kr?mer
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