Ferret talk - May 2007

Thursday May 31 2007
9:44PM 2 Ferret.donate(Money.aus_dollar(200))
6:30PM 5 complete index rebuild using AAF trunk
2:13PM 0 script/runner permission denied
1:10AM 2 iterate through an entire index
Wednesday May 30 2007
11:47PM 1 Problem compiling dev version for windows
10:37PM 4 aaf and dynamic attrs: a bug?
5:40PM 3 A way to get all the words from an index?
2:33PM 2 How to search with limit by field
10:46AM 0 Ferret write lock persistent after model update
Tuesday May 29 2007
9:06PM 0 Query strings and stop words
4:59PM 1 When does ferret / AAF decide to reindex?
3:58PM 0 index#term_docs returns no docs / term_docs_for does
4:33AM 1 is "IN" a special word?
Monday May 28 2007
3:16PM 0 external highlighter/excerpter
Friday May 25 2007
2:27AM 1 how to update index with acts_as_ferret?
Thursday May 24 2007
3:33PM 1 Search scoping in acts_as_ferret
7:31AM 2 Strange Problem with AAF DRB connection
Wednesday May 23 2007
8:07PM 2 issues with searching custom fields
2:25AM 6 Accented characters
12:00AM 1 Memory Leak When Searching For Multilingual Keyword(s)
Tuesday May 22 2007
5:49PM 1 Bug in Ferret::Search::SortField::SCORE ??
2:34PM 6 Ferret file not found error on item delete
2:11AM 1 acts as ferret, make index in /tmp then copy back to avoid NFS slowness?
Monday May 21 2007
6:38AM 1 acts_as_ferret and russian language.
Friday May 18 2007
11:33PM 3 issues with : in the content
9:13PM 1 roll my own TokenFilter subclass
7:45PM 1 find_by_contents + ''conditions'' returning incorrect results
6:33PM 5 how to compile with large file support?
8:12AM 1 select model & field for search
Wednesday May 16 2007
6:55PM 7 bilingual site: exclude fields set from query
2:08PM 0 How we got rid of a bus error when using acts_as_ferret
12:17AM 7 return ONLY total_hits without querying from real database
Tuesday May 15 2007
10:09PM 2 What is the day to day maintenance requirements of ferret?
6:58PM 0 Large File Support? (FAQs are broken)
4:01PM 12 AAF quirks in production mode
3:39PM 1 how to index and search multiple foreign keys in aaf
Monday May 14 2007
5:53PM 3 A Ferret/AAF success story
3:17PM 3 How to make a Tag cloud with Ferret ?
12:30PM 0 Ferret as an object database
8:36AM 0 Naming conflict between Ferret and my own model class
Friday May 11 2007
10:05PM 1 Memory leak Windows XP SP2 related to search involving 'รค'
Thursday May 10 2007
8:38PM 1 Limiting objects used in index (don''t show private data)
6:48PM 0 Large index performance = 8x decrease
9:24AM 5 Segmentation fault on large index
7:12AM 13 Is there a way to do incremental search?
Wednesday May 9 2007
9:59PM 3 bug when assigning new analyzer?
11:26AM 0 How did ferret sort by the column?
10:59AM 6 more_like_this
Tuesday May 8 2007
1:24PM 1 acts as ferret javascript.back fails after a search result
9:14AM 0 case sensitivity for untokenized fields
3:02AM 2 Limit + Conditions = Confusion
Monday May 7 2007
8:34AM 0 using acts_as_ferret in persian language
Saturday May 5 2007
12:50AM 4 Stop words, fields, StandardAnalyzer quagmire
Thursday May 3 2007
10:34PM 2 Custom analyzer weirdness with 0.11.3
6:56AM 1 Numeric Range or comparision doesn''t work
Wednesday May 2 2007
7:11PM 2 Index update - problems
3:22PM 1 MultiSearcher Results Question
11:34AM 6 Rewarding exact matches
10:12AM 4 Wrong total_hits when using conditions in find_by_contents
Tuesday May 1 2007
7:15PM 3 Links in Search Results
4:45PM 2 AAF and DRb server