The only solution I''ve seen to the problem of the nested frame on the login/install pages (when using iframes rather than fbml), is to use JS to cause a redirect (c.f., def create_new_facebook_session_and_redirect! session[:facebook_session] = new_facebook_session render :layout => false, :inline => %Q{<script type="text/javascript"> top.location.href = "<%= session[:facebook_session].login_url -%>" </script>} end def application_is_not_installed_by_facebook_user render :layout => false, :inline => %Q{<script type="text/javascript"> top.location.href = "<%= session[:facebook_session].install_url -%>" </script>} end Has anyone got a more elegant solution? (I think) This approach is messing up my Selenium tests (as Selenium uses frames and so redirecting "top" has unwanted effects). In hopeful expectation ...