Hi, when I copy a file to a directory, using whatever tool, it seems the behavior of the mask is wrong. user1@host1:~> getfacl source/test1 # file: source/test1 # owner: user1 # group: grp1 user::rw- group::r-- other::r-- user1@host1:~> getfacl target/ # file: target # owner: user1 # group: grp1 user::rwx group::--- group:grp1:rwx mask::rwx other::--- default:user::rwx default:group::--- default:group:grp1:rwx default:mask::rwx default:other::--- user1@host1:~> cp source/test1 target/ user1@host1:~> getfacl target/test1 # file: target/test1 # owner: user1 # group: grp1 user::rw- group::--- group:grp1:rwx #effective:r-- mask::r-- other::--- I'd expected the effective mask of the file in the destination directory to be rwx. Is there anything I'm doing wrong? I'm on a SLES10SP1 x86_64. Linux nfspublic #1 SMP Mon Jan 21 19:55:27 UTC 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux I guess I do sth. wrong, but what? thanks sebastian