hi, i have a laptop: asus l5800gm, with a dual boot system: windows xp and
linux (debian sarge with kernel 2.4.25)
These are the errors when I perform fsck.ext3 -y /dev/hdc1.
>pass 1: checking inodes, blocks and sizes
>error reading block 1090648 (attempt to read block from filesystem resulted
>in short read) while reading indirect blocks of inode 360671. Ignore error?
>Force rewrite? yes
It happens randomly, and sometimes it goes straight through pass 2, 3, 4
and 5; and sometimes it asks me other things as "connect to
/lost/found" or
something like that, I don't remember right now. It didn't happen last
time, yesterday; just that questions "ignore error" and "force
And, after rebooting, the system date is 2 hours later! I mean, if the
current time is 16:00, it says 18:00, both in Windows and in Linux!
The computer has been repaired last June, as the mainboard crashed down,
and for a month I stopped getting these problems, now they started again,
from 21st of August 2004; the Asus customer support told me, when I got the
PC repaired, that the hard disk was OK.
Could they be wrong? Could I have a damaged hard disk?
My situation is particular, as I am a blind user I have to use a special
aid, called BRLTTY; unfortunately it doesn't start when the error occurs
(give root password for maintenance or type ctrl-d to exit...")
and then I type the root password, it says none and there is the prompt
with #, so I type brltty and the braille device starts regularly, so I can
perform fsck.
For this reason, I did not try to mount the partition using a live
distribution as Knoppix, because I do not know how to start it with BRLTTY.
Could someone please help me with the Ext3 problems?
Bye & thanks!