Am 12.05.20 um 16:45 schrieb Benny Pedersen:> On 2020-05-12 16:23, Bobber wrote:
>> On 5/12/20 8:45 AM, Michael Hirmke wrote:
>>> Hi Robert,
>>>> Hi, sorry for top post
>>>> but short answer is ,there is no exchange without outlook, that
is what
>>>> makes exchange a good "groupware solution", on
windows only.
>>>> So compare it to dovecot makes only small sense.....
>> Have you looked at SOGo for a groupware option?
> or
these are not dovecot, yes i know them all and much more
and used them, also exchange, what i tried to say is
exchange/outlook are groupware solutions ( it makes no sense to look at
it seperate ) hosted on windows servers ,in a windows active dir,you may
compare it with other groupware solutions/combinations , but dovecot is
a imap/pop3 server in first line, and stand for its own, just like i.e
however it may part and/or combined/bundled in/with other groupware
At the end the subject question makes no sense...
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