Hi, sorry for top post
but short answer is ,there is no exchange without outlook, that is what
makes exchange a good "groupware solution", on windows only.
So compare it to dovecot makes only small sense.....
Am 12.05.20 um 13:24 schrieb Michael Hirmke:> Hi Marc,
>> How did you decide for the Baikal? I have been testing a long time ago
> it was easy to install/configure and it was sufficient for my needs.
>> with this apple ccs calendarserver, but it did/does not feel right. I
> I have no idea about anything regarding the Apple universe.
>> think there were tasks also in this one, but I am not sure anymore. I
> They are called "Todos", if I get your intention right.
>> had argument with the developers that they should not enforce openssl
>> building, they did not get that they are developers and not sysadmins
>> and should just do development. Their approach made it cumbersome to
>> update the ccs server, exactly the opposite of their goal. I even saw
>> some issues recently that meeting invitation requests were not
>> compatible. Which is an issue with lots of caldav implementations. I
>> have everything in ldap, so that support is necessary.
>> I don't think people use that many exchange features, like with
>> 80%-90% can just do fine with libre/open office. Granting someone
>> to folders is mostly it I guess. Ccs was supporting this also if I
>> remember correctly.
> At work we use nearly everything, Exchange offers.
> And thats my "fault", because when I was the admin in duty, I
tried to
> get most of our money we had to pay MS.
> Bye.
> Michael.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: (Michael Hirmke) [mailto:mh at mike.franken.de]
>> Sent: 09 May 2020 13:36
>> To: dovecot at dovecot.org
>> Subject: Re: Ms Exchange vs dovecot
>> Hi Marc,
>>> I have recently been working/testing with exchange 2016 and started
>>> thinking if I should even migrate to this platform. I assume more
>>> people here have experience with exchange and this idea.
>> I was an Exchange admin for years and even had an Exchange server at
>> home for about 20 years - just for fun and for testing purposes.
>> Three months ago I migrated to dovecot and baikal - and dropped
>> completely.
>> This worked flawless, so *I* don't miss Exchange at all.
>> But:
>> You can't compare dovecot with Exchange, because dovecot is a mail
>> server, Exchange is a groupware server. This is why I added a baikal
>> server to my infrastructure. Baikal is a Cal- and CardDAV server, that
>> can replace the calendar und contact parts of Exchange.
>> Nevertheless you loose many features of an Exchange server after
>> migrating to such a setup, so if your users got used to these feature,
>> it wouldn't be possible to drop Exchange. It is only feasable for
>> environments with few people or in a new environment, where nobody has
>> used an Exchange Server until now. IMHO.
>> This was not your question, it is meant as background information, if
>> you wouldn't already know that.
>> For your environment I can't tell if it is possible to migrate to
>> Exchange, because you didn't write, if you already have an Active
>> Directory in place, which is necessary for Exchange on premise.
>> If you want to use Microsoft's Azure AD and the Exchange cloud
>> on top, you have to migrate your users to Azure AD. In any case you
>> an Active Directory for Exchange server.
>>> I was wondering if this is possible with a dovecot setup
>>> 1. public folder can be implemented with a public mailbox?
>> Yes, but public folders in Exchange are dying for years.
>> They still exist, but are only supported so so.
>> Public mailboxes in dovecot are supported full fledged.
>>> 2. authorize users via groups access to mailboxes/folders of the
>>> public folder/mailbox. I think I saw ACL's with dovecot, does
>>> compare to 'folder permissions'
>> Not really, but I'm not an expert for permissions on public
>>> 3. is it possible with sieve to apply a rule on any mailbox/folder?
>>> Thus if I 'drag' a message to a folder, the sieve rule is
>> You can configure a folder to act on incoming mail in the folder
>> properties. I never tested, though, if "incoming" also
applies when
>> copying to a folder.
>> Bye.
>> Michael.
>> --
>> Michael Hirmke
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