I've recently started using Dovecot as our main mail storage, and it's
performing great. But I have a question/problems with quotas.
First of we are using:
dovecot --version
2.2.32 (dfbe293d4)
Dovecot is a part of a pre set environment (mailcow-dockerized)
Aside the inbox namespace we have set-up an additional archive ns
(Archiwum) like this
namespace Archiwum {
??? type = private
??? separator = /
??? prefix = Archiwum/
??? location = maildir:/var/vmail/arch/%n:INDEXPVT=~/Maildir/Archiwum
??? subscriptions = yes
??? list = yes
??? mailbox "Wyslane" {
????? auto = subscribe
??? }
It is on an separate disk array, and works well.
The problem is that this namespace and all its sub mailboxes should have
different quota then the main storage
so the config is like this
? quota = dict:Userquota::proxy::sqlquota
? quota2 = maildir:ns=Archiwum
? quota_rule = Trash:storage=+100%
? quota2_rule = *:ignore
It works.. but not as intender. While mail located directly in the name
space are ignored everything in sub mailbox of the Archiwum is still
accounted to the main quota.
I've been fighting this for some time now and can not find the solution.
So help would be appreciated.