I generate bcc backups with the pattern
backups+DATE.user.domain.tld at myBackupDomain.tld
(for example, backups+20170908.kremels.kreme.com at myBackupDomain.tld)
This puts mail in ?/.20170908.kremels.kreme.com/new
What I would like to do is get the expansion to generate the following path
Of course the date changes everyday, but it will always be numeric if that
dovecot get the mail from postfix:
dovecot unix - n n - - pipe flags=DRhu
user=vpopmail:vchkpw argv=/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda -f
${sender} -d ${user}@${nexthop} -m ${extension} -a ${original_recipient}
Would it make more sense (or is it even possible) to split the extension in
postfix or to do something with sieve? Or is there a character I can use in the
extension that tells dovecot to create a path?
Even though I am using a maildir structure for the backups, this
"account" never accesses the mail via a MUA, only via the command line
when an admin has to restore an email, so it would be much easier to deal with
this with daily subfolders.
Or, maybe I make the admins use an MUA? If so, I should replace most of these
.'s with dashes?
Apple broke AppleScripting signatures in Mail.app, so no random signatures.