(New to dovecot)
I am experiencing intermittent connection failures with both apple
mail and ios mail. No specific errors and I cannot find relevant
information on the mac logs or on my server.
It spontaneously corrects.
restarting dovecot - no dice
It just happened now (again), this time there might have been a
reason, I just dovecot-lda'd some large mailboxes from mbox to
Maildir. But as I said, it spontaneously corrects, so is
downloading now.
While this connection error is occurring, then I can connect to
dovecot via a remote mutt session, via web imap client and via
Is this a known issue?
% doveconf -n
# 2.2.9: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
# OS: Linux 3.19.0-26-generic i686 Ubuntu 15.04
lda_mailbox_autocreate = yes
lda_mailbox_autosubscribe = yes
namespace inbox {
inbox = yes
location mailbox Drafts {
special_use = \Drafts
mailbox Junk {
special_use = \Junk
mailbox Sent {
special_use = \Sent
mailbox "Sent Messages" {
special_use = \Sent
mailbox Trash {
special_use = \Trash
mailbox virtual/All {
special_use = \All
prefix }
passdb {
driver = pam
postmaster_address = postmaster at biovolt.nl
protocols = " imap lmtp"
ssl_cert = </etc/dovecot/dovecot.pem
ssl_key = </etc/dovecot/private/dovecot.pem
userdb {
driver = passwd
protocol lda {
info_log_path = /tmp/dovecot-deliver.log
log_path = /tmp/dovecot-deliver-errors.log