Hi, since days I'm trying to substitude my SQL based Postfix/Dovecot mail server by a LDAP based setup. Everything seems to go smooth so far - thanks to the many how to and Dovecot wiki. Unfortunately I'm struggeling, since I have to create individual a LDAP schema which suits the currently used LDAP structure. The current tructure looks like this: => dc=MyDomain,dc=TLD ==> ou=People ===> uid=User-1 ====> ou=mail ===> uid=User-2 ====> ou=mail ... and so on ... Within ou=mail should be the individual mail account(s) information of a user. So in the end I want to add a(nother) mail account by something like this: cat << EOF > ./newUser.ldif dn: mailAddress=Test at Domain.TLD,ou=mail,uid=User-1,ou=people,dc=MyDomain,dc=TLD objectclass: top objectclass: mailAccount mailAddress: Test at Domain.TLD noMailPassword: {SSHA}SomePassword noMailAccountStatus: active [...] EOF Therefore I setup a LDAP schema like the following, but it seems to ignore the attributes "MailPassword" and "noMailAccountStatus". Why? I don't understand what I'm missing here on my objectclass? ;/ # ====================== LDAP schema ======================= # # # OID Macros (10001 should be IANA-registered) # objectidentifier nameSpace objectidentifier mail nameSpace:1 objectidentifier objectClassAccount mail:1 objectidentifier objectClassAccountInfo mail:2 # # Attributes: objectClass[NAME]:1.[SERIAL] # attributetype ( objectClassAccount:1.1 NAME 'mailAddress' DESC 'The hosted mail addresses' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SUBSTR caseIgnoreIA5SubstringsMatch SYNTAX{256} SINGLE-VALUE ) attributetype ( objectClassAccount:1.2 NAME 'MailPassword' DESC 'The hosted mail password' EQUALITY octetStringMatch SYNTAX{128} ) attributetype ( objectClassAccount:1.3 NAME 'MailAccountStatus' DESC 'The status of a user account: active, noaccess, disabled, deleted' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) [...] # # Objects: objectClass[NAME]:2.[SERIAL] # objectclass ( objectClassAccount:2.1 NAME 'mailAccount' SUP ( top ) STRUCTURAL DESC 'Mail account' MUST ( mailAddress ) MAY ( MailPassword $ MailAccountStatus ) ) # ====================================================== # Thanks Best Regards, Leander