Thomas Klausner writes:
>> RTFM:
> Thanks, but I had read this.
> I still don't know what they are good for, why they stay there for
> days and if I can remove them. After all, they are not the caches, but
> some "transaction logs" (I don't know what this is).
Re-read the page, all the way to the bottom.
Interpreting the last section:
The transaction log records recent changes to a mailbox, and together
with the index, gives the current state of the mailbox. This is an I/O
optimization so that mailbox states changes are quickly updated without
having to compare an entire index file with the last (in-memory?) index.
For large mailboxes, this can save a lot of I/O.
It may persist because updates to the indices are not done immediately
(again, possibly to reduce I/O), so the current mailbox state is reflected
by the index file *and* deltas in the transaction log.
I suspect that you could remove the transaction logs (if you do not use
dbox) and dovecot should rebuild them (or more likely, rebuild the indices).
Joseph Tam <jtam.home at>