On 17.8.2010, at 23.11, Mi?el Me?njak wrote:
> I have a problem compiling v2.0 of dovecot mail server on one old server
running RHEL 3.
> This is error messaage I get (googled for it and have not found anything
> passdb-vpopmail.o(.text+0x39a): In function `vpopmail_preinit':
> /root/dovecot-2.0.0/src/auth/passdb-vpopmail.c:185: undefined reference to
Dovecot v2.0 requires vpopmail v5.5. Although I heard that it crashes with it.
You can make it compile with older versions by just commenting out that line.
I'm really considering dropping the support for vpopmail completely.
It's been nothing but trouble. I can easily understand why Courier dropped
support for it. It should still work via checkpassword interface, which at least
doesn't change.