On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 2:59 AM, Rick Widmer <yahoo at rickwidmer.com>
wrote:> I am working on updating the Shupp toaster, shupp.org/toaster a
> of files and instructions for installing qmail, vpopmail, qmailadmin and
> squirrelmail. Two of my most important goals are switching the imap program
> from courier to Dovecot, and closer integration with OpenSuSE. (Which I run
> my mail servers on.)
If You 'really' wants a closer integration with openSuSE You can use
the init file wrote by Mads Martin Joergensen and Marcus Rueckert.
You can find this file on the dovecot packages provided here[1] or at
the openSuSE Build Service project for mail servers[2].
Anyway, there's a lot of implementation needed on vpopmail.
Dovecot development is flying, Qmail stills updated even years go by,
but vpopmail seems stopped, either on CVS. But you already know that
[1]: download.opensuse.org/repositories/server:/mail
[2]: build.opensuse.org/project/show?project=server:mail
> To follow the style of the toaster I need a place where I can obtain the
> init.d script from wiki.dovecot.org/DovecotInit
> I would prefer to have permission to host the file myself so I don't
have to
> worry about creating patches if there is ever a need for my run file to be
> different from yours. If that is not acceptable, would you please either
> provide a URL where I can download just the run file, or include it in the
> distribution.
> Thanks,
> Rick
[ ]'s
Aledr - Alexandre
"OpenSource Solutions for SmallBusiness Problems"