So we've chosen to use dovecot as our imap mail server and replace our
old cyrus server ! BUT :
I would like to do a conversion of my imap accounts (and keep all theirs
characteristics) from cyrus-imapd-2.2.12 in cyrus format to dovecot
1.1.3 in courrier format.
I've tried those 3 tools :
imapsync (works well but very slow and should not be a true solution)
But nothing is working to keep the seen/unseen flag (expect imapsync) !
I know my cyrus version is too "recent" but do you have any idea how
could I do this migration ?
A second problem is that I have 600 Go of imap account to migrate, if
you've any clue on how to do a migration without loosing a lot of
availability, I would be happy to read you !
Tanks in advance.
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