On Tue, 2007-06-12 at 13:08 +0200, Erland Nylend wrote:> Hello,
> I'm seeing som error messages in the mail log, like this:
> Jun 12 12:50:44 <mail.info> smtp2 deliver(user1 at domain.tld):
msgid=<10784847.1181644475592.foo.bar at foo99>: save failed to INBOX
> Jun 12 12:50:44 <mail.info> smtp2 deliver(user1 at domain.tld):
msgid=<30757588.1181644556388.foo.bar at foo99>: saved mail to INBOX
> It seems that when two or more messages are being delivered at the
> same time, only one delivery succeeds.
> Both the maildirs and the indexes are stored on a SAN ..
> I'll try to read the source, to find out whether this is a locking
> problem. I would think that if a deliver -process finds that a
> maildir is locked, then it should wait, and retry?
It should have logged an error message. http://wiki.dovecot.org/Logging
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