On Wed, 2006-10-25 at 16:43 -0700, Chad Parry wrote:> I found a plugin for dSPAM on this mailing list
> (thread.gmane.org/gmane.mail.imap.dovecot/4632/focus=4632) that
> was very useful to me. I just modified the code to work for
> SpamAssassin instead. The purpose of this plugin is to watch the mail
> that is in the user?s spam folder. If the user manually moves a piece
> of mail into the spam folder then the mail must have been spam that
> was incorrectly classified. This plugin causes SpamAssassin to
> relearn that mail as spam. Anyone else who finds this functionality
> useful is welcome to follow the link below.
> ? chad.parry.org/software/dovecot
Nice, thanks for sharing. I've said many times that it could be done for
spamassassin just as well but no one seemed to really want to do it so
#define SPAM_FOLDER_NAME "Junk E-mail"
interesting name :)