I'd need "04" including its leading "0".
("1200"->"00" etc.)
> Depending on what other tools you use, you could also use the hash (H)
> modifier, but maybe your delivery agent can't do that (unless of course
> you plan to use dovecot-lda too)
With our UW set-up, everything goes through UW's c-client library
(sendmail local delivery through UW's "tmail"). So
"dovecot-lda" (which
I've not yet investigated) would probably be the natural route for us.
Perhaps I should further investigate the "%H"-like stuff (which seems
be hex rather than base-10) to see whether I can do a generalised
extension which could enable a base-10 modulo thing, including leading
zeroes. Or a "final n-char substring" thing. (Naturally, I'd
advice, and would hope to feed back any patch.)
: David Lee I.T. Service :
: Senior Systems Programmer Computer Centre :
: Durham University :
: http://www.dur.ac.uk/t.d.lee/ South Road :
: Durham DH1 3LE :
: Phone: +44 191 334 2752 U.K. :