Hi list
Im currently run debian sarge / testing.
I upgraded my dovecot this morning on my mail server this morning, and
my dovecot stopped working for my mail users email clients. I told
debconf to replace the dovecot.conf (Baring in mind I saved my conf file).
The output I was getting was as so:
=====================================================================Aug 11
10:09:56 mail dovecot: Dovecot v1.0-test70 starting up
Aug 11 10:10:21 mail dovecot: auth(default): client in:
FuaQBwYXNzd29yZA=Aug 11 10:10:21 mail dovecot: auth(default): client out:
Aug 11 10:10:21 mail dovecot: auth(default): master in: REQUEST^I1^I2040^I1
Aug 11 10:10:21 mail dovecot: auth(default): master out:
Aug 11 10:10:21 mail dovecot: imap-login: Login: gcivolani []
Aug 11 10:10:21 mail dovecot: IMAP(gcivolani): Effective uid=1009, gid=1009
Aug 11 10:10:21 mail dovecot: IMAP(gcivolani): Namespace: type=public,
prefix=Public/, sep=/, inbox=no, hidden=no, subscriptions=no
Aug 11 10:10:21 mail dovecot: IMAP(gcivolani): maildir autodetect:
stat(/tmp/cur) failed: No such file or directory
Aug 11 10:10:21 mail dovecot: IMAP(gcivolani): mbox autodetect: data=/tmp
Aug 11 10:10:21 mail dovecot: IMAP(gcivolani): mbox autodetect: INBOX
file: is a directory (/tmp)
Aug 11 10:10:21 mail dovecot: IMAP(gcivolani): mbox autodetect: has
.imap/: stat(/tmp/.imap) failed: No such file or directory
Aug 11 10:10:21 mail dovecot: IMAP(gcivolani): mbox autodetect: has
inbox: stat(/tmp/inbox) failed: No such file or directory
Aug 11 10:10:21 mail dovecot: IMAP(gcivolani): mbox autodetect: has
mbox: stat(/tmp/mbox) failed: No such file or directory
Aug 11 10:10:21 mail dovecot: IMAP(gcivolani): Failed to create storage
for 'Public/' with data: /tmp
Aug 11 10:10:21 mail dovecot: child 2052 (imap) returned error 89
Aug 11 10:10:21 mail dovecot: auth(default): client in:
FuaQBwYXNzd29yZA=Aug 11 10:10:21 mail dovecot: auth(default): client out:
I killed dovecot and restarted it with my old conf fike (I have attached
my conf file).
I then proceed by uninstalling this version of dovecot and reinstalled
the previous version (still using the old conf file)
On doing so I, started getting this error message in my syslog:
=======================================================================Aug 11
12:24:46 mail dovecot: auth(default): client in:
FuaQBwYXNzd29yZA=Aug 11 12:24:46 mail dovecot: auth(default): client out:
Aug 11 12:24:46 mail dovecot: auth(default): master in:
Aug 11 12:24:46 mail dovecot: auth(default): master out:
Aug 11 12:24:46 mail dovecot: IMAP(gcivolani): Effective uid=1009, gid=1009
Aug 11 12:24:46 mail dovecot: IMAP(gcivolani): maildir:
Aug 11 12:24:46 mail dovecot: IMAP(gcivolani): maildir:
root=/home/gcivolani/Maildir, index=/home/gcivolani/Maildir, control=,
inboxAug 11 12:24:46 mail dovecot: imap-login: Login: gcivolani
Although dovecot's port was up and running, my users still could not
read or see there folders.
It was only once I realised that when I copied and renamed my
.subscription file to subscription, did it all work.
Obviously the mistake was on myside but telling debconf to over write
the conf file, but I find it a bit weid that when on killing dovecot and
then restarting the with the old conf file, it still did not work.
To be honest, im a bit lost as to how im going to rectify this, but I
know that I want to upgrade my packages.
If you can help in anyway, it would be most appreciated.
Kind Regards and thanks in advance.
Brent Clark
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