Hi Venu,
In my last e-mail, I mentioned that the capping does not work, if we
change the cap, after a connection is established. I guess that''s
resolved in the new bits. Will try it soon and let you know.
venugopal iyer wrote:>
> Hi, Pradeep:
> I believe you had some questions about modifying bandwidth for flows/VNICs.
> I believe that should be fine in the recently released bits, could you
> please
> check and lets know if you still have any questions about this.
> Bandwidth limits can be modified using:
> links: dladm set-linkprop -p maxbw=<value> linkname
> flows: flowadm set-flowprop -p maxbw=<value> flowname
> (I tried netperf after modifying a flow''s bandwidth and it worked
fine. If
> you want us to try some example let us know.)
> I remember you had questions about monitoring the usage, is that the one?
> thanks,
> -venu