Hello list! I'm writing to you because I'm experiencing two problems with the Enhanced Zoom Desktop plugin. 1. If the mouse isn't over the current window, I can't zoom in/out. I filled a bug on launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/1349152 But I don't know if that is the right place to be, because (as far as I know) Ubuntu developers aren't active contributors of the Compiz theam. As I explain in the filled bug, I've tested under Unity, Gnome Flashback and Mate; using different versions of Ubuntu (and Linux Mint) with the same results. Another thing to take into account (and I don't mention in the bug) is it don't happen with gnome 2. 2. When I zoom under Unity desktop, neither the top panel nor Unity launcher aren't magnified. I found a bug filled on launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/762699 But again, I don't know if that is the right place. If there is any else I can do to help this bugs to be fixed, please let me know! -- Salu2 Luis F. Gonz?lez V.