CentOS - Nov 2013

Saturday November 30 2013
2:20PM 5 ZFS on Linux testing effort
6:55AM 3 64bit centos and wine
6:45AM 1 centos at windows network
6:40AM 0 Multicast routing daemon
Friday November 29 2013
6:03AM 1 Two queries: samba and usb
Thursday November 28 2013
10:59PM 3 Odd problems with CR updates
9:34PM 2 Story of an email
5:16AM 2 LSB Certification
3:38AM 1 nss_ldap loop sleeping after ...
Wednesday November 27 2013
11:56PM 1 Automated LSI card management.
11:37PM 1 Question on list of packages on centos 7
9:19PM 0 complicated svn, apache, krb5 and selinux problem
5:06PM 1 Thanks for the CR packages!
4:21PM 1 Where Did The Disk Go???
2:02PM 2 CLI speed tester for CentOS?
2:01PM 0 $300 desktops? Where? - was: died again
1:26PM 4 Ultrabook for CentOS?
Tuesday November 26 2013
8:00PM 5 Most efficient way to create a CentOS 3 test VM
1:36PM 1 Filesystem labeling confusion or mess up
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 105, Issue 11
2:50AM 0 iMac triple boot including CentOS 6.4
12:42AM 4 Unsupported Hardware that works fine?
Monday November 25 2013
8:35PM 2 Captive Portal
5:54PM 2 intel
4:28PM 3 partitionless installation
2:05PM 1 Machine check events
12:26PM 2 ltsp & Selinux
5:45AM 4 died again
1:08AM 2 X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication
Sunday November 24 2013
11:21PM 0 MultiTech MT5634ZBA usb modems
12:48PM 2 Linux alternative to MS OneNote
Saturday November 23 2013
11:57PM 4 EPEL problem
11:32PM 2 Wrap around to first/last work space
5:35AM 5 RAM Requirements
1:03AM 1 Finally.... CentOS on iMac core 2
Friday November 22 2013
3:28PM 0 SSSD with 389DS
1:12PM 1 dovecot informational/error messages?
2:08AM 2 Postfix relay on Comcast
Thursday November 21 2013
8:58PM 0 quota doesn't appear to work - repquota only updates when quotacheck is run
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 105, Issue 10
6:24AM 3 Google Chrome
3:40AM 2 CentOS still dies on me
3:32AM 1 restarting network interface
Wednesday November 20 2013
2:22PM 5 Any experience with lanner appliances?
Tuesday November 19 2013
3:38PM 2 CentOS LiveCD on USB
4:31AM 1 vpn client setup/plugin
Monday November 18 2013
3:56PM 2 What gui to use for syslog-ng logs?
Sunday November 17 2013
8:12PM 1 Emacs 24 on CentOS 6.4
8:05PM 1 Saving Workspace State
5:58PM 1 maximum number of mounts
5:55PM 4 file managementttttttttttt
7:46AM 1 [SOLVED] Suspend Failure on Toshiba Portege R935
6:10AM 2 Suspend Failure on Toshiba Portege R935
5:50AM 2 CentOS 5.7 - occasional lockup
Saturday November 16 2013
9:46PM 1 (no subject)
7:50PM 1 Module signed with unknown public key
5:23PM 4 CentOS as Development Laptop?
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 105, Issue 9
1:26AM 1 CentOS 6 and Intel vPro?
Friday November 15 2013
9:17PM 0 OT: rpmerizor use
6:50PM 3 CentOS 6 : Network Interface Naming
5:51PM 0 Expanding EVMS raid1 array
12:18PM 7 Mysql databases from old system?
11:11AM 3 Crash and automatical reboot when using the NVIDIA card
3:43AM 2 2 routes & 1 destinations
Thursday November 14 2013
5:23PM 4 First Time Setting up RAID
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 105, Issue 8
Wednesday November 13 2013
8:38PM 2 Problem with X11 application and Nouveau driver
10:36AM 1 strange speed of mkfs Centos vs. Debian
Tuesday November 12 2013
11:18PM 2 NFS hard mount
12:02PM 0 CentOS Digest, Vol 106, Issue 12
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 105, Issue 7
4:34AM 1 virtualbox, lvextend, etc.
Monday November 11 2013
11:46PM 2 Using CentOS Wordpress rpms
10:12PM 3 Scrabble??
2:59PM 2 qemu-kvm-rhev
12:55PM 1 Certain fonts missing from xlsfonts in Centos 6.4
9:44AM 10 disk cloning ?
9:37AM 1 Tuning MySQL - what's the best place for mysqld parameters?
Sunday November 10 2013
4:01PM 1 Strange unexplainable CUPS problem after upgrade to 5.10
Saturday November 9 2013
12:58PM 2 logical volume and drive names after mirroring a centos installation via rsync
Friday November 8 2013
8:57PM 3 Install to internal USB?
6:04PM 2 Installing CentOS via USB thumbdrive
1:22PM 1 Wireless problems
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 105, Issue 6
5:05AM 1 chipsets etc to avoid for CentOS 6.x
Thursday November 7 2013
9:14PM 1 IBM Storwize V3700 storage - device names
6:16PM 2 XML to text
3:51PM 2 Workaround for (EL6.4) rdesktop-1.6.0-10 Woe
1:21PM 1 how to calculate mail storage/traffic used
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 105, Issue 5
Wednesday November 6 2013
7:21PM 3 Running MacOSX as VM under CentOS 5.10?
12:22PM 3 syslog-ng or rsyslog?
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 105, Issue 4
7:54AM 0 mount.cifs install problem
Tuesday November 5 2013
11:55PM 1 iptables
10:13PM 3 echo 0> /selinux/enforce
10:10PM 1 /etc/inittab
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 105, Issue 3
1:27AM 2 Provide access to /home folder
Monday November 4 2013
11:50PM 1 3TB disk with 6.0.4 not booting
9:49PM 0 Firefox ESR and Coldfusion
9:45PM 2 What the heck is a "text/html decoder"
6:06PM 1 extremely slow NFS performance under 6.x [SOLVED]
4:05PM 1 update from local repo mirror
1:36PM 2 yum update --skip-broken failure
12:44PM 5 [OT] Building a new backup server
11:41AM 1 root password required
1:53AM 0 Compiling Broadcom netxtreme2-7.6.62 drivers Xen4CentOS
Sunday November 3 2013
11:04PM 2 Converting an installed and configured system into live-cd/dvd
Saturday November 2 2013
9:25PM 1 6.4 : How to enable epel and the rpmfusions??
4:34PM 0 How to debug a crash.. Looks like an abrt file.
12:57PM 5 Postfix vs Sendmail
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 105, Issue 2
1:05AM 1 Cent OS 6.3 and free-nx
Friday November 1 2013
10:36PM 3 read-only file system when trying to save files
8:56PM 0 new laptop: compiling source for i7 CPUs???
8:23PM 1 CentOS 5.10 - turn off sosreport?
7:18PM 2 starting/stopping services
6:38PM 2 5.10, crashes
5:09PM 0 Clutter-gtk 1.4.4
4:33PM 1 removed items from removing postfix
4:21PM 3 zimbra test
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 105, Issue 1