Hello, I've just read how GoDaddy upgraded its servers to CentOS6 and in the article they wrote about "NFS client caching". Can anyone point me to documentation they used to implement NFS client caching? Tips and tricks are welcome :-) Cheers!
Bazy [bazy84 at gmail.com] wrote:> > I've just read how GoDaddy upgraded its servers to CentOS6 and in the > article they wrote about "NFS client caching". > Can anyone point me to documentation they used to implement NFS client > caching? Tips and tricks are welcome :-)I guess they are using FS-Cache - see: <access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Storage_Administration_Guide/fscachemain.html> and: <cyberciti.biz/faq/centos-redhat-install-configure-cachefilesd-for-nfs> I haven't used it in production, so have no idea how good (or bad?) it is - however, I suggest you read the 'Performance Guarantee' in the first link above ... James Pearson