On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 04:23:41PM -0500, Matt wrote:
> Been looking for a while on this before resorting to asking. I have
> an .htaccess file like so.
> order allow,deny
> allow from x.x.x.0/24
> I have this in my root html directory and it works fine. Only allows
> access by the x.x.x.0/24 subnet. Thing is I have one file
> ~"siteinfo.html" that I want to allow anyone to access. How
would I
> do that?
Put it outside of the directory tree with the .htaccess, but
still within the DocumentRoot -- or UserDir (the one that maps
addresses to user's home_dir/userdir addressed as host.name/~userid)
if it is in user space.
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