CentOS - Feb 2011

Monday February 28 2011
9:56PM 1 Dhcp 3.0.5 on 5.x
8:35PM 5 Sorting by date
3:51PM 2 how to make centos safty(php+mysql)
3:46PM 1 how to control sftp's user file folder
2:56PM 1 Samba quota for AD users
1:55PM 1 php53 and Fileinfo
1:51PM 0 Centos Project : STEM
10:02AM 2 can't disconnec iSCSI targets, please help
9:49AM 2 cronjob to intiiate checkdisk ?
9:19AM 1 Logwatch reporting spamassassin messages as unmatched entries
3:13AM 10 Centos 6
Sunday February 27 2011
8:33PM 2 log time formats - where is this defined
8:33PM 1 Recover botched drdb gfs2 setup .
12:14PM 1 Standard location for hotplug-time hdparm invocation
9:50AM 2 opened OpenSSL port
Saturday February 26 2011
8:12PM 4 IP6 Anyone?
2:38PM 2 PCI ethernet card for CentOS
Friday February 25 2011
1:15PM 3 can't create large LVM, even though pvscan shows enough space left
9:08AM 2 CUPS / printer problems
9:08AM 2 How can I disable Internet access for programs running in Wine?
2:57AM 1 [OT] building src rpm on RHEL5 using mock https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=680144
2:11AM 1 Detecting harddrive problem
1:28AM 1 wicd questions
Thursday February 24 2011
9:57PM 0 [OT] Alternative to cPanel
8:24PM 0 OT: non-Windows only training sites
7:02PM 4 CentOS 5 Security Updates
4:54AM 4 ls returns file doesn't exist, find finds it??
2:18AM 4 OT: Ecommerce hosting
2:08AM 8 current bind version
Wednesday February 23 2011
8:58PM 0 OT: please moderade or remove Larry Vaden
8:47PM 2 RECALL: http://www.securityweek.com/high-severity-bind-vulnerability-advisory-issued
7:53PM 1 massive mirror errors
5:27PM 4 http://www.securityweek.com/high-severity-bind-vulnerability-advisory-issued
4:09PM 2 LVM problem after adding new (md) PV
2:53PM 0 squashfs in the hundreds of GB range
2:49PM 12 Alternative to cPanel
7:18AM 1 sendmail, port 465/587, auth and imap
7:01AM 0 asd
1:27AM 8 security cameras
Tuesday February 22 2011
11:29PM 6 how to optimize CentOS XEN dom0?
10:49PM 1 openldap problems authenticating
10:37PM 4 Unicode in C++
8:53PM 1 How much maximum memory will CentOS 5 support? I know it's not 16 GB!
11:25AM 1 problems with createrepo
6:25AM 2 System Log Error
12:47AM 1 funding
Monday February 21 2011
11:32PM 1 iptables question.
6:21PM 7 Air Conditioning - ON!
3:27PM 2 java-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64 keeps clobbering logging.properties
10:31AM 2 Basic Bash Script Question
Sunday February 20 2011
11:41PM 3 Problem with timezone configuration
9:19PM 1 initlog is deprecated
Saturday February 19 2011
11:46PM 0 Full screen Flash in CentOS 5.5 again
9:29PM 2 strace issue in 5.5?
Friday February 18 2011
10:44PM 4 We haven't had a lot of demand for Fedora...people seem okay with CentOS!
9:15PM 5 BInd Problem or Update SSL ?
8:06PM 2 request for a learning moment
7:20PM 4 Recommendation for a Good Vulnerability Scanning Service?
5:13PM 2 nss_ldap: reconnected to LDAP server ldap://
12:47AM 1 openoffice & command line printing
Thursday February 17 2011
1:36PM 1 Looping Device unmounting problem
1:08PM 0 Can't create mirrored LVM: Insufficient suitable allocatable extents for logical volume : 2560 more required
12:26PM 1 vanilla kernel configuration :: xconfig --> qt errors
4:28AM 3 some think there are no unemployed OSS folks
Wednesday February 16 2011
11:03PM 5 ACHTUNG: wrt CentALT repo
9:03PM 1 foo2oak-wrapper
7:24PM 1 Flash No Longer Supported on RHEL 4
5:00PM 2 Software RAID Level 1, smartd and changing dev numbers
2:52PM 3 CentOS 5 on a Thinkpad T60 laptop
12:28PM 6 Authentication Problems
2:12AM 1 NIC bonding - missing eth0?
2:08AM 0 hotplug in centos 5
Tuesday February 15 2011
11:51PM 1 kmod-e1000e and Intel Network Card
11:27PM 2 Bacula
9:03PM 1 Insert the second CD of an install
8:57PM 1 Creating floppy image without root permissions?
8:19PM 3 apache 2 and php 5.2
5:12PM 3 install 5.5 x86-64 on DL320 G6
3:02PM 4 DRBD question
1:54PM 1 working with multiple password protected iSCSI targets on one host
9:54AM 1 Most efficient/fastest way to see disk usage
12:07AM 3 what is the best RPM finder?
Monday February 14 2011
9:00PM 7 Any update on 5.6 / 6?
8:23PM 0 ifcfg-rh: error: Missing or invalid IP4 prefix '0
7:34PM 2 Virtualization supporting 1000Mbps nics?
6:32PM 1 Server Specs..
6:13PM 2 rescheduling sector linux raid ?
4:28PM 1 Are some CentOS package out of date compared to RH?
11:43AM 2 sandboxie like application for CentOS?
Sunday February 13 2011
9:07PM 2 Software RAID vs 'fake/ on-board RAID'
8:26PM 1 Security: gnome-screensaver VS. switch user
6:53PM 1 how do export a block device via eSATA?
3:26PM 5 server specifications
2:09PM 2 Journal Aborts in VMware ESX (Filesystem Corruption)
1:25PM 2 Looking for back versions of centos 3
Saturday February 12 2011
9:21PM 0 CentOS Digest, Vol 73, Issue 12
9:19PM 8 CentOS 64 bit php 5.2 huge problem
Friday February 11 2011
10:43PM 3 Samba or NFS
7:42PM 2 java please help
3:09PM 2 Will Rogers: Kai Schaetzl may be ignorant about kill files (was: how will CentOS handle the perftools 1.7 vs. 1.6 issue?)
3:00PM 1 write-back cache question
Thursday February 10 2011
9:25PM 2 Strange Kernel for Centos 5.5
7:49PM 1 dhcp fail over
6:37PM 1 CentOS 5.5 Java Process Death
6:36PM 2 Some RAID-6 observations ... RHEL-6 vs CentOS-5.5
4:32PM 1 Centos 5.5 + firefox 3.6 and 64bit javaplugin (1.6u23)
2:48PM 1 Hyper-V template configuration
4:52AM 2 PAE kernel source code
2:05AM 3 how will CentOS handle the perftools 1.7 vs. 1.6 issue?
Wednesday February 9 2011
4:31PM 0 a possible heads up wrt CERN experiment breaking SL 5.6
1:50PM 3 High Availability and Storage Cluster
1:29PM 1 VPN inside VPN?
11:53AM 1 rsync permission denied , without changing apache user and group setting
8:53AM 2 Printer-Problems
Tuesday February 8 2011
10:49PM 1 yum is b0rked
8:17PM 2 Ken Olsen od DEC, 1927-2011
6:51PM 4 mount the wrong device after system recovery
6:36PM 3 iptables nat table rules
2:49PM 5 Configuring a cluster
12:12PM 1 ipsec with ipv4 and ipv6 not working
Monday February 7 2011
9:04PM 2 RHEL 6 <-> CentOS 6 ?
6:56PM 2 iSCSI disk preperation
6:21PM 3 Autorun is VERY bad
6:06PM 4 Is there a Centos 3 around ?
5:38PM 2 How and when are the sound modules loaded at system boot time on CentOS 5?
3:55PM 3 premature question on 5.6
6:08AM 1 SSH AllowUser WildCard
Sunday February 6 2011
11:06PM 4 OT - simple CAD program to design electronic circuits with
9:35PM 5 system clock
9:14PM 2 RHEL/Centos6 handling disks w/4k sectors?
1:33PM 2 if the file changes send email about diff
12:20PM 3 OpenSSH could be faster...then why don't they path it??
7:00AM 3 Fan speed control on Supermicro X8DAL board with CentOS
12:41AM 2 future version of bind for el5
Friday February 4 2011
10:33PM 4 x25 line xterm
5:18PM 1 compiz install on centos 5.2
5:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 72, Issue 1
4:15PM 4 Unable to connect to wireless network
2:08PM 1 selenium rc server - run it on a specific display help!
Thursday February 3 2011
9:43PM 3 CentOS 4.8
7:39PM 1 LSI MegaRAID 320-2E PCIe RAID Controller
6:38PM 2 CentOS Digest, Vol 73, Issue 3
5:43PM 2 Directions please..
5:37PM 1 How to set GNOME-panel to several columns if needed?
3:38PM 4 filter unwanted email
1:49PM 1 No kernel-debuginfo for actual kernel?
1:41PM 1 hp laptop
11:12AM 3 User Details
10:58AM 2 Recovering LVM volumes
10:24AM 2 OT: looking for system Rescue CD with LSI MegaRAID 8708EM2 drivers pre-installed
12:42AM 1 kernel errors
Wednesday February 2 2011
11:45PM 1 [OT] Best way to get dhcpd messages piped to a web service.
9:58PM 7 centos 5.5 check memoray usage too high???
8:32PM 2 Centos + python + sqlalchemy + mysql
5:22PM 4 Blasphemous? any support for a REPO of current edition BIND, et al (e.g., BZ561299)?
4:33PM 2 CentOS 6.0 new virtualization features?
4:29PM 2 yum confusion...
2:44PM 6 Lost root access
1:01PM 1 Significant speedup of package building with mock from EPEL for RHEL 6, should definitely go in CentOS 5
7:27AM 0 what pkg contains libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3
7:08AM 6 glibc++6.2?
7:06AM 1 RHEL-6 vs. CentOS-5.5 (was: Static assignment of, SCSI device names?)
3:31AM 3 ~/.forward file?
Tuesday February 1 2011
8:24PM 1 CentOS 6.0 alpha testers
7:47PM 0 syslog socket limit
5:38PM 1 Setting up persistent LUNs
4:44PM 1 limiting yum url question
3:54PM 3 centos 4.8 or centos 5.5 for server is great?
11:43AM 2 CentOS 5 updates
1:26AM 1 python-dbus