Hi I just installed nagios et al[1] in my Centos-5.2 (x86). When I try to test the configuration file it fails[2] with the message "Unexpected token or statement(...)". The line is: command[notify-by-email]=/usr/bin/printf "$OUTPUT$" | /bin/mail -s '$SERVICESTATE$ alert for $HOSTALIAS$/$SERVICEDESC$' $CONTACTEMAIL$ But if I comment this line, then I got the same message in the next line. I changed the path to printf, because I already have installed. Is something missing? Are the rpm's enough? Thanks Marcelo [1] newt (Linux) $rpm -qa | grep nagios nagios-plugins-1.4.12-1.el5.rf nagios-3.0.5-1.el5.rf nagios-plugins-setuid-1.4.12-1.el5.rf nagios-nsca-2.7.2-2.el5.rf nagios-devel-3.0.5-1.el5.rf nagios-nrpe-2.5.2-1.el5.rf nagios-nsca-client-2.7.2-2.el5.rf newt (Linux) $ [2] [root at newt nagios]# nagios -v nagios.cfg Nagios 3.0.5 Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Ethan Galstad (nagios.org) Last Modified: 11-04-2008 License: GPL Reading configuration data... Error: Unexpected token or statement in file '/etc/nagios/objects/command-plugins.cfg' on line 33.