I'm trying to hide my PRV-350 PCI card from Dom0 so that a DomU can see it.
>From Dom0, the card reports as:
[root at willamette ~]# lspci |grep 06:02
06:02.0 Multimedia video controller: Internext Compression Inc iTVC15
MPEG-2 Encoder (rev 01)
The ivtv driver isn't installed on Dom0.
I have added the following to /etc/modprobe.conf on Dom0:
options pciback hide=(0000:06:02.0)
but the card still shows up.
Is PCI backend/frontend support compiled in the Centos5 xen kernels?
If so, am I configuring it correctly? Should I be asking this on a xen
Michael J. Carter
mcarter at pobox.com