On 3/29/07, David Mackintosh <David.Mackintosh at xdroop.com>
wrote:> Installing through PXE, interactively from an NFS source. The
> installer is in text mode even though I have 512MB of memory.
> Two questions.
> 1. When installing package sets, I do not see an "Everything"
> the way there was in 4.x. Should there be? I also don't recall being
> asked if I wanted Server/Workstation/Custom groupings.
There is no Everything nor Server, Workstation.
Having dealt with customer issues.. Everything installs cause more
headaches for naieve users (and the people who later have to
cleanup/fix/secure) and their systems. The standard security
philosophy of less is better than more.. also says that people should
set up systems with the minimal requirements they need, and only
install stuff they know what to do. Other people will disagree with
this, but they can finess this themselves with a kickstart.
Custom is done via a button at the bottom of package choices .
> 2. When partitioning the disk, if I accidentally select "Use free
> space and create a default layout", the installer naturally cannot do
> anything. However it's failure mode is to report, then prompt for a
> reboot. Shouldn't it go back to the previous menu?
It should.. and this is an upstream problem. If possible we will see
what fixes can be done for this if not fixed in a 'upstream hotfix'.
> I actually opened the second one as a minor bug, but then thought
> maybe I should ask about it first.
> --
> /\oo/\
> / /()\ \ David Mackintosh |
> dave at xdroop.com | xdroop.com
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Stephen J Smoogen. -- CSIRT/Linux System Administrator
How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed
in a naughty world. = Shakespeare. "The Merchant of Venice"