Larry Vaden
2006-Sep-03 09:56 UTC
[CentOS] Beranger: Updating to CentOS 4.4: Possible Issues and Small Hints
<>, but nothing specific about the named/bind showstopper. rgds/ldv
Radu-Cristian FOTESCU
2006-Sep-03 10:43 UTC
[CentOS] Beranger: Updating to CentOS 4.4: Possible Issues and Small Hints
--- Larry Vaden <vaden at> wrote:> <>, > but nothing specific about the named/bind showstopper.The correct URL is through a permalink, not an offset. Here: (which is based in part on your list!) My upgrade was OK, but I'm not running CentOS on a production server, but on an older laptop! So I don't know anything on named/bind problems. Thx, B?ranger __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around