Does anyone know where I can get glut.h and associated libraries for CentOS-3? Thanks John. -- John Newbigin Computer Systems Officer Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies Swinburne University of Technology Melbourne, Australia
On 7/31/05, John Newbigin <jnewbigin at> wrote:> Does anyone know where I can get glut.h and associated libraries for > CentOS-3? >It's part of the freeglut-devel rpm. You can use yum to ask questions like these. 'yum provides glut.h' or if you know the full path of the file you're asking 'yum provides /usr/include/GL/glut.h'> ThanksYou're welcome. Jim Perrin System Administrator - UIT Ft Gordon & US Army Signal Center
On Mon, 2005-08-01 at 12:53 +1000, John Newbigin wrote:> Does anyone know where I can get glut.h and associated libraries for > CentOS-3?Are you looking for the development home? Or are you looking for RPMs? I know that glut does come with Rocks 3.3.0 as part of their Viz roll. -- Sean