Hello to the AdminGroup,
>From what I have been told (by a very reliable source (AY)), I should direct
this for the attention of Ralph.
In the nicest possible way, Community members Akemi and Ned (aka toracat and
NedSlider) have been twisting my arm to get me to agree to join the Wiki
editors. Being susceptible to the right sort of persuasion, I eventually agreed.
Over the last few weeks I have been assisting in the updating of two out of the
three Kernel HowTos and Akemi now feels I should finish this off directly,
myself. As the author of the third of those three articles, Akemi has suggested
that I ask you to grant me editing powers for all three of them. So, here I am
reporting for duty.
According to the HowToContibute, you will need to know my UserName. I assume
this is my Community ID that I created back last October and shows up on my
postings to the various fora? This is nothing more that a concatenation of my
forename, middle initial and surname: AlanJBartlett.
Who's friends with who and co-starred in what?
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