CentOS announce - Apr 2006

Saturday April 29 2006
12:14AM 0 CEBA-2006:0428-001 CentOS 4 i386 Horde - bugfix update (EXTRAS only)
12:14AM 0 CEBA-2006:0428-001 CentOS 4 x86_64 Horde - bugfix update (EXTRAS only)
Thursday April 27 2006
5:48AM 0 CESA-2006:0276 Moderate CentOS 4 axp php - security update
12:55AM 0 CEBA-2006:0427-001 CentOS 4 x86_64 fontconfig - bugfix update
Wednesday April 26 2006
2:00AM 0 CESA-2006:0276 Moderate CentOS 4 s390(x) php - security update
1:24AM 0 CESA-2006:0276 Moderate CentOS 3 s390(x) php - security update
1:11AM 0 CESA-2006:0276 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 php - security update
1:09AM 0 CESA-2006:0276 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 php - security update
1:06AM 0 CESA-2006:0267 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 ipsec-tools - security update
1:06AM 0 CESA-2006:0267 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 ipsec-tools - security update
Tuesday April 25 2006
11:24PM 0 CESA-2006:0276 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 php - security update
11:20PM 0 CESA-2006:0267 Moderate CentOS 3 s390(x) ipsec-tools - security update
11:20PM 0 CESA-2006:0267 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 ipsec-tools - security update
11:19PM 0 CESA-2006:0267 Moderate CentOS 4 s390(x) ipsec-tools - security update
11:18PM 0 CESA-2006:0267 Moderate CentOS 4 axp ipsec-tools - security update
11:17PM 0 CESA-2006:0267 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 ipsec-tools - security update
3:25PM 0 CESA-2006:0276 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 php - security update
3:25PM 0 CESA-2006:0276 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 php - security update
3:23PM 0 CESA-2006:0267 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 ipsec-tools - security update
3:22PM 0 CESA-2006:0267 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 ipsec-tools - security update
Friday April 21 2006
9:56PM 0 CESA-2006:0330 Critical CentOS 4 s390(x) thunderbird - security update
7:17PM 0 CESA-2006:0330 Critical CentOS 4 x86_64 thunderbird - security update
7:17PM 0 CESA-2006:0330 Critical CentOS 4 i386 thunderbird - security update
6:49PM 0 CESA-2006:0330 Critical CentOS 4 axp thunderbird - security update
5:41PM 0 CESA-2006:0330 Critical CentOS 4 ia64 thunderbird - security update
Thursday April 20 2006
4:37AM 0 CESA-2006:0419-001 Critical CentOS 4 x86_64 firefox - security update (CENTOSPLUS Only)
4:37AM 0 CESA-2006:0419-001 Critical CentOS 4 i386 firefox - security update (CENTOSPLUS Only)
Wednesday April 19 2006
9:06PM 0 Fasttrack updates - CentOS 4 x86_64
9:06PM 0 Fasttrack updates - CentOS 4 i386
10:06AM 0 CESA-2006:0329 Critical CentOS 3 x86_64 mozilla - security update
10:04AM 0 CESA-2006:0329 Critical CentOS 3 i386 mozilla - security update
Tuesday April 18 2006
11:53PM 0 CESA-2006:0329-01: Critical CentOS 2 i386 Mozilla security update
11:34PM 0 CESA-2006:0329 Critical CentOS 4 s390(x) mozilla - security update
11:26PM 0 CESA-2006:0329 Critical CentOS 3 s390(x) mozilla - security update
8:28PM 0 CESA-2006:0329 Critical CentOS 4 axp mozilla - security update
6:50PM 0 CESA-2006:0329 Critical CentOS 4 x86_64 mozilla - security update
6:50PM 0 CESA-2006:0329 Critical CentOS 4 i386 mozilla - security update
5:48PM 0 CESA-2006:0329 Critical CentOS 3 ia64 mozilla - security update
5:41PM 0 CESA-2006:0329 Critical CentOS 4 ia64 mozilla - security update
Saturday April 15 2006
12:41PM 0 CESA-2006:0328 Critical CentOS 3 s390(x) firefox - security update (CENTOSPLUS only)
12:50AM 0 CESA-2006:0328 Critical CentOS 4 s390(x) firefox - security update
Friday April 14 2006
9:29PM 0 CESA-2006:0328 Critical CentOS 3 x86_64 Firefox - security update (CENTOSPLUS only)
9:29PM 0 CESA-2006:0328 Critical CentOS 3 i386 Firefox - security update (CENTOSPLUS only)
8:56PM 0 CESA-2006:0328 Critical CentOS 4 x86_64 firefox - security update
8:56PM 0 CESA-2006:0328 Critical CentOS 4 i386 firefox - security update
7:55PM 0 CESA-2006:0328 Critical CentOS 4 axp firefox - security update
6:14PM 0 CESA-2006:0328 Critical CentOS 3 ia64 firefox - security update (CENTOSPLUS only)
6:00PM 0 CESA-2006:0328 Critical CentOS 4 ia64 firefox - security update
Thursday April 13 2006
9:05PM 0 CEBA-2006:0413-001 CentOS 4 x86_64 drbd - bugfix update (EXTRAS Only)
9:05PM 0 CEBA-2006:0413-001 CentOS 4 i386 drbd - bugfix update (EXTRAS Only)
Wednesday April 12 2006
10:05AM 0 CESA-2006:0412-001 CentOS 4 x86_64 Horde - security update (EXTRAS only)
10:05AM 0 CESA-2006:0412-001 CentOS 4 i386 Horde - security update (EXTRAS only)
Monday April 10 2006
12:15PM 0 CentOS 3.7 is released
11:05AM 0 CEBA-2006:0410-001 CentOS 4 x86_64 yumex - bugfix update (EXTRAS Only)
11:05AM 0 CEBA-2006:0410-001 CentOS 4 i386 yumex - bugfix update (EXTRAS only)
4:19AM 0 CESA-2006:0282-6: Low CentOS 2 i386 tzdata enhancement update
4:19AM 0 CESA-2006:0279-5: Low CentOS 2 i386 glibc enhancement update
Thursday April 6 2006
11:40PM 0 CEEA-2006:0277 CentOS 4 x86_64 tzdata - enchancement update
11:40PM 0 CEEA-2006:0277 CentOS 4 i386 tzdata - enchancement update
Tuesday April 4 2006
11:06PM 0 CESA-2006:0272-01: Moderate CentOS 2 i386 openmotif security update
11:03PM 0 CESA-2006:0272 Moderate CentOS 3 s390(x) openmotif - security update
11:03PM 0 CESA-2006:0271 Important CentOS 3 s390(x) freeradius - security update
11:01PM 0 CESA-2006:0272 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 openmotif - security update
11:00PM 0 CESA-2006:0271 Important CentOS 3 ia64 freeradius - security update
10:57PM 0 CESA-2006:0272 Moderate CentOS 4 axp openmotif - security update
10:57PM 0 CESA-2006:0271 Important CentOS 4 axp freeradius - security update
10:42PM 0 CESA-2006:0272 Moderate CentOS 4 s390(x) openmotif - security update
8:17PM 0 CESA-2006:0271 Important CentOS 4 s390(x) freeradious - security update
8:10PM 0 CESA-2006:0272 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 openmotif - security update
8:06PM 0 CESA-2006:0271 Important CentOS 4 ia64 freeradious - security update
2:41PM 0 CESA-2006:0272 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 openmotif - security update
2:41PM 0 CESA-2006:0272 Moderate CentOS 4 x64_64 openmotif - security update
2:37PM 0 CESA-2006:0271 Important CentOS 4 i386 freeradius - security update
2:37PM 0 CESA-2006:0271 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 freeradius - security update
12:54PM 0 CESA-2006:0272 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 openmotif - security update
12:53PM 0 CESA-2006:0272 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 openmotif - security update
12:44PM 0 CESA-2006:0271 Important CentOS 3 x86_64 freeradius - security update
12:43PM 0 CESA-2006:0271 Important CentOS 3 i386 freeradius - security update
Sunday April 2 2006
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0199 Critical CentOS 4 i386 mozilla - security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0199 Critical CentOS 4 axp mozilla - security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0200 Critical CentOS 4 axp firefox - security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0199 Critical CentOS 4 x86_64 mozilla - security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0199 Critical CentOS 3 i386 mozilla - security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0199-01: Critical CentOS 2 i386 mozilla security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0199 Critical CentOS 3 s390(x) mozilla - security update
1:39PM 0 CENTOSPLUS CESA-2006:0200 Critical CentOS 3 s390(x) firefox - security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0191-01: Important CentOS 2 i386 kernel security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0207 Important CentOS 4 ia64 gnutls - security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0200 Critical CentOS 4 s390(x) firefox - security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0200 Critical CentOS 4 x86_64 firefox - security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0200 Critical CentOS 4 i386 firefox - security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0199 Critical CentOS 3 x86_64 mozilla - security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0200 Critical CentOS 3 i386 firefox - security update (CENTOSPLUS only)
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0200 Critical CentOS 3 x86_64 firefox - security update (CENTOSPLUS only)
1:39PM 0 CENTOSPLUS CESA-2006:0200 Critical CentOS 3 ia64 firefox - security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0200 Critical CentOS 4 ia64 firefox - security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0207 Important CentOS 4 axp gnutls - security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0199 Critical CentOS 4 s390(x) mozilla - security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0194 Moderate CentOS 4 axp gd - security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0194 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 gd - security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0199 Critical CentOS 4 ia64 mozilla - security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0194 Moderate CentOS 4 s390(x) gd - security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0194 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 gd - security update
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0194 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 gd - security update
1:39PM 0 CESA:2006-0201-1 CentOS 4 i386 Cluster Suite / Global File System update (csgfs repo only)
1:39PM 0 CESA:2006-0201-1 CentOS 4 x86_64 Cluster Suite / Global File System update (csgfs repo only)
1:39PM 0 CESA-2006:0199 Critical CentOS 3 ia64 mozilla - security update
1:38PM 0 CESA-2005:384-01: Important CentOS 2 i386 Mozilla security update
1:38PM 0 CESA-2005:283-01: Important CentOS 2 i386 kernel security update
1:38PM 0 CentOS4 cannot shutdown
1:38PM 0 CESA-2005:384 Important CentOS 3 s390(x) mozilla - security update
Saturday April 1 2006
7:04PM 0 CEEA:2006:0216-001 CentOS 4 ia64 centos-yumconf Enhancement - update
7:04PM 0 CEBA:2006:0220-001 CentOS 4 x86_64 yum Bugfix - update
7:04PM 0 CEBA:2006:0220-001 CentOS 4 i386 yum Bugfix - update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0195 Low CentOS 3 x86_64 tar - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0195 Low CentOS 3 s390(x) tar - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0195-01: Low CentOS 2 i386 tar security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0195 Low CentOS 3 i386 tar - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0195 Low CentOS 3 ia64 tar - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0217-01: Important CentOS 2 i386 metamail security update
7:04PM 0 CEEA:2006:0216-001 CentOS 4 x86_64 centos-yumconf Enhancement - update
7:04PM 0 CEEA:2006:0216-001 CentOS 4 s390(x) centos-yumconf Enhancement - update
7:04PM 0 CEEA:2006:0216-001 CentOS 4 axp centos-yumconf Enhancement - update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:178 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 ImageMagick - security update
7:04PM 0 CEEA:2006:0215-001 CentOS 4 ia64 Update System Enhancement
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0178 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 ImageMagick - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0205 Moderate CentOS 4 axp libpng - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0201 Important CentOS 4 axp xpdf - security update
7:04PM 0 CEEA:2006:0215-001 CentOS 4 axp Update System Enhancement
7:04PM 0 CESA-2005:474 Low CentOS 3 x86_64 bzip2 - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2005:474 Low CentOS 3 i386 bzip2 - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0207 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 gnutls - security update
7:04PM 1 CESA-2006:0201 Important CentOS 4 i386 xpdf - security update
7:04PM 1 CEEA:2006:0215-001 CentOS 4 i386 Update System Enhancement
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0178 Moderate CentOS 4 s390(x) ImageMagick - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2005:474 Low CentOS 4 s390(x) bzip2 - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0205 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 libpng - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:178 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 ImageMagick - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0178 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 ImageMagick - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0178 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 ImageMagick - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0205 Moderate CentOS 4 s390(x) libpng - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0201 Important CentOS 4 s390(x) xpdf - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0201 Important CentOS 4 ia64 xpdf - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0201 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 xpdf - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0207 Important CentOS 4 s390(x) gnutls - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0206 Important CentOS 4 axp kdegraphics - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0178 Moderate CentOS 3 s390(x) ImageMagick - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0178 Moderate CentOS 4 axp ImageMagick - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0206 Important CentOS 4 i386 kdegraphics - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:178-2 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 ImageMagick - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0206 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 kdegraphics - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0207 Important CentOS 4 i386 gnutls - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0205 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 libpng - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0206 Important CentOS 4 ia64 kdegraphics - security update
7:04PM 0 CEEA:2006:0215-001 CentOS 4 s390(x) Update System Enhancement
7:04PM 0 CEEA:2006:0215-001 CentOS 4 x86_64 Update System Enhancement
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0178 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 ImageMagick - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0178-01: Moderate CentOS 2 i386 ImageMagick security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2005:474 Low CentOS 4 axp bzip2 - security update
7:04PM 0 CESA-2006:0206 Important CentOS 4 s390(x) kdegraphics - security update
7:04PM 1 CESA-2006:0205 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 libpng - security update
6:56PM 0 CEEA-2005:149 CentOS 3 ia64 kdebase - bug fix update
6:56PM 0 CEEA-2005:088 CentOS 3 s390(x) authconfig - Product Enhancement Advisory
6:56PM 1 CEBA-2005:058 CentOS 3 ia64 util-linux - bug fix update
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:246 CentOS 3 ia64 parted - bug fix update
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:062 CentOS 3 ia64 pam - bug fix update
6:56PM 0 CEEA-2005:149 CentOS 3 s390(x) kdebase - bug fix update
6:56PM 0 CEEA-2005:357 CentOS 3 ia64 bootparamd - Updated package
6:56PM 0 CEEA-2005:263 CentOS 3 ia64 diskdumputils - enhancement update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:256 Low CentOS 3 s390(x) glibc - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:074 Low CentOS 3 s390(x) rsh - security update
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:123 CentOS 3 s390(x) initscripts - bug fix update
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:123 CentOS 3 ia64 initscripts - bug fix update
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:446 CentOS 3 ia64 krb5 - updated package
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:292 CentOS 3 s390(x) samba - bug fix update
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:258 CentOS 3 s390(x) gcc - Bug Fix Advisory
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:106 Low CentOS 3 s390(x) openssh - security update
6:56PM 0 CEEA-2005:456 CentOS 3 s390(x) cscope - new package adds source code browsing tool
6:56PM 0 CEEA-2005:455 CentOS 3 s390(x) wget - updated package
6:56PM 0 CEEA-2005:454 CentOS 3 s390(x) gnome-panel and metacity - updated package
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:147 CentOS 3 ia64 s390(x) - bug fix update
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:246 CentOS 3 s390(x) parted - bug fix update
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:088 CentOS 3 ia64 authconfig - Product Enhancement Advisory
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:062 CentOS 3 s390(x) pam - bug fix update
6:56PM 0 CEEA-2005:253 CentOS 3 ia64 tzdata - Product Enhancement
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:294 CentOS 3 ia64 kernel - updated package
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:074 Low CentOS 3 ia64 rsh - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:106 Low CentOS 3 ia64 openssh - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:256 Low CentOS 3 ia64 glibc - security update
6:56PM 0 CEEA-2005:455 CentOS 3 ia64 wget - updated package
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:292 CentOS 3 ia64 samba - bug fix update
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:446 CentOS 3 s390(x) krb5 - updated package
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:147 CentOS 3 ia64 rpm - bug fix update
6:56PM 0 CEEA-2005:357 CentOS 3 s390(x) bootparamd - Updated package
6:56PM 0 CEEA-2005:456 CentOS 3 ia64 cscope - new package adds source code browsing tool
6:56PM 0 CEEA-2005:454 CentOS 3 ia64 gnome-panel and metacity - updated package
6:56PM 0 CEEA-2005:253 CentOS 3 s390(x) tzdata - Product Enhancement
6:56PM 0 CEEA-2005:453 CentOS 3 ia64 linuxwacom - new package
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:258 CentOS 3 ia64 gcc - Bug Fix Advisory
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:260 CentOS 3 ia64 binutils - Bug Fix Advisory
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:260 CentOS 3 s390(x) binutils - Bug Fix Advisory
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:428 BUG fix CentOS 3 x86_64 bonobo-activation - bug fix update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:417 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 tcpdump - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:429 Critical CentOS 3 x86_64 gaim - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:417 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 tcpdump - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:408 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 cyrus-imapd - security update
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:428 BUG fix Centos 3 s390(x) bonobo-activation - bug fix update
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:469 BUG fix CentOS 3 x86_64 openoffice.org - bug fix update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:432-01: Critical CentOS 2 i386 gaim security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:412-01: Moderate CentOS 2 i386 openmotif security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:371-01: Moderate CentOS 2 i386 ncpfs security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:429 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 gaim - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:417 Moderate CentOS 3 s390(x) tcpdump - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:429 Critical CentOS 4 x86_64 gaim - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:412 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 openmotif - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:408 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 and x86_64 cyrus-imapd - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:393 Important CentOS 4 i386 and X86_64 kdelibs - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:393 Important CentOS 4 ia64 kdelibs - security update
6:56PM 0 php-5.0.4-0.iva.0.centos4.src.rpm (built for x86_64 and i386) in CentOS Plus
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:429 Critical CentOS 3 i386 gaim - security update
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:428 BUG fix CentOS 3 i386 bonobo-activation - bug fix update
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:428 BUG fix CentOS 3 ia64 bonobo-activation - bug fix update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:412 Moderate CentOS 3 s390(x) openmotif - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:429 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 gaim - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:412 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 and x86_64 openmotif - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:421 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 tcpdump - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:421 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 tcpdump - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA=2004:412 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 openmotif - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA=2004:412 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 openmotif - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:417 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 tcpdump - security update
6:56PM 0 call for testers CentOS 3 x86_64 EM64T (aka ia32e)
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:429 Critical CentOS 3 s390(x) gaim - security update
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:0506-01 CentOS 4 i386 and x86_64 centos-yumconf - bugfix
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:412 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 openmotif - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:417 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 tcpdump - security update
6:56PM 0 CEBA-2005:469 BUG fix CentOS 3 i386 openoffice.org - bug fix update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:381 Low CentOS 4 i386 and x86_64 nasm - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:381-01: Low CentOS 2 i386 nasm security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:429 Critical CentOS 4 i386 gaim - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:397 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 evolution - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:381 Low CentOS 3 ia64 nasm - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:381 Low CentOS 4 ia64 nasm - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:381 Low CentOS 3 x86_64 nasm - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:406 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 php - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:381 Low CentOS 3 s390(x) nasm - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:381 Low CentOS 3 i386 nasm - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005-0502-001: Low CentOS 2 i386 update 7
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:406 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 and x86_64 PHP - security update
6:56PM 0 CESA-2005:397 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 and x86_64 Evolution - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0160 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 tetex - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0101 Important CentOS 4 ia64 kernel - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0160 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 tetex - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0101 Important CentOS 4 s390(x) kernel - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0101 Important CentOS 4 axp kernel - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0163 Important CentOS 3 x86_64 cups - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0159 Moderate CentOS 4 axp httpd - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0159 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 httpd - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0163 Important CentOS 4 axp cups - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0164 Critical CentOS 4 i386 mod_auth_pgsql - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0177 Important CentOS 4 i386 gpdf - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0163 Important CentOS 3 ia64 cups - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0177 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 gpdf - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0163 Important CentOS 4 i386 cups - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0177 Important CentOS 4 ia64 gpdf - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0163 Important CentOS 3 i386 cups - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0156 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 ethereal - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0177 Important CentOS 4 axp gpdf - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0156 Moderate CentOS 4 s390(x) ethereal - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0156 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 ethereal - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0159 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 httpd - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0164 Critical CentOS 3 x86_64 mod_auth_pgsql - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0164 Critical CentOS 3 ia64 mod_auth_pgsql - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0156-01: Low CentOS 2 i386 Moderate: ethereal security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0163 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 cups - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0101 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 kernel - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0177 Important CentOS 4 s390(x) gpdf - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0159 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 httpd - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0156 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 ethereal - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0156 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 ethereal - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0164 Critical CentOS 4 s390(x) mod_auth_pgsql - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0159 Moderate CentOS 4 s390(x) httpd - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0159 Moderate CentOS 3 s390(x) httpd - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0156 Moderate CentOS 4 axp ethereal - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0164 Critical CentOS 4 ia64 mod_auth_pgsql - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0164 Critical CentOS 3 s390(x) mod_auth_pgsql - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0159 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 httpd - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0163 Important CentOS 4 s390(x) cups - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0101 Important CentOS 4 i386 kernel - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0159 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 httpd - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0156 Moderate CentOS 3 s390(x) ethereal - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0156 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 ethereal - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0164 Critical CentOS 3 i386 mod_auth_pgsql - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0163 Important CentOS 3 s390(x) cups - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0163 Important CentOS 4 ia64 cups - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0179-01: Critical CentOS 2 i386 auth_ldap security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0156 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 ethereal - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0164 Critical CentOS 4 x86_64 mod_auth_pgsql - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0164 Critical CentOS 4 axp mod_auth_pgsql - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2006:0159 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 httpd - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2004:638 CentOS 3 x86_64 gd - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2004:638 CentOS 3 i386 gd - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:074 CentOS Low 3 x86_64 rsh - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:472 Important CentOS 3 x86_64 kernel - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:106 CentOS 3 Low x86_64 openssh - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:256 CentOS Low 3 x86_64 glibc - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2004:650 CentOS 3 x86_64 libxml - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2004:650 CentOS 3 i386 libxml - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:294 CentOS 3 s390(x) kernel - updated package
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:473-01: Moderate CentOS 2 i386 lesstif security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:435 Important CentOS 4 ia64 mozilla - security update
6:45PM 0 CEEA-2005:434 Important CentOS 3 s390(x) - centosplus firefox security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:427 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 ethereal - security update
6:45PM 0 CEEA-2005:434 Important CentOS 3 x86_64 - centosplus firefox security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:435-01: Important CentOS 2 i386 mozilla security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:427-01: Moderate CentOS 2 i386 ethereal security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:435 Important CentOS 3 ia64 mozilla - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:434 Important CentOS 4 ia64 firefox - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:106 CentOS Low 3 x86_64 openssh - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:427 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 ethereal - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:238 CentOS 3 Low x86_64 evolution - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:427 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 ethereal - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:413 Important CentOS 3 i386 ImageMagick - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:413 Important CentOS 3 x86_64 ImageMagick - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:074 CentOS Low 3 i386 rsh - security update
6:45PM 0 CEBA-2005:xxx CentOS 3 ia64 - lot of updates for U5
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:238 Low CentOS 3 ia64 evolution - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:238 CentOS Low 3 i386 evolution - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:413 Important CentOS 4 i386 ImageMagick - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:294 CentOS 3 i386 kernel - updated package
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:106 CentOS Low 3 i386 openssh - security update
6:45PM 0 CEEA-2005:434 Important CentOS 3 ia64 - centosplus firefox security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:434 Important CentOS 4 i386 firefox - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:434 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 firefox - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:435 Important CentOS 4 i386 mozilla - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:435 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 mozilla - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:256 CentOS Low 3 i386 glibc - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:256 CentOS 3 Low i386 glibc - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:256 CentOS 3 Low x86_64 glibc - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:106 CentOS 3 Low i386 openssh - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:074 CentOS 3 Low x86_64 rsh - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:074 CentOS 3 Low i386 rsh - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:238 CentOS 3 Low i386 evolution - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:427 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 ethereal - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:435 Important CentOS 3 i386 mozilla - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:435 Important CentOS 3 x86_64 mozilla - security update
6:45PM 0 CEEA-2005:434 Important CentOS 3 i386 - centosplus firefox security update
6:45PM 1 CESA-2005:472 Important CentOS 3 i386 kernel - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:413 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 ImageMagick - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:435 Important CentOS 3 s390(x) mozilla - security update
6:45PM 0 CEBA-2005:xxx CentOS 3 s390(x) - lot of updates for U5
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:238 Low CentOS 3 s390(x) evolution - security update
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:294 CentOS 3 x86_64 kernel - updated package
6:45PM 0 CESA-2005:238 CentOS Low 3 x86_64 evolution - security update
6:33PM 0 CESA-2006:0160 Moderate CentOS 4 s390(x) tetex - security update
6:33PM 0 CESA-2006:0140 Important CentOS 3 s390(x) kernel - security update
6:33PM 0 CESA-2006:0160-01: Moderate CentOS 2 i386 tetex security update
6:33PM 0 CESA-2006:0158-01: Moderate CentOS 2 i386 apache security update
6:33PM 0 CESA-2006:0140 Important CentOS 3 ia64 kernel - security update
6:33PM 0 CESA-2006:0160 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 tetex - security update
6:33PM 0 CESA-2006:0184 Critical CentOS 4 ia64 kdelibs - security update
6:33PM 0 CESA-2006:0160 Moderate CentOS 3 s390(x) tetex - security update
6:33PM 0 CESA-2006:0160 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 tetex - security update
6:33PM 0 CESA-2006:0184 Critical CentOS 4 s390(x) kdelibs - security update
6:33PM 0 CESA-2006:0140 Important CentOS 3 i386 kernel - security update
6:33PM 0 CESA-2006:0184 Critical CentOS 4 i386 kdelibs - security update
6:33PM 0 CESA-2006:0140 Important CentOS 3 x86_64 kernel - security update
6:33PM 0 CESA-2006:0184 Critical CentOS 4 x86_64 kdelibs - security update
6:33PM 0 CESA-2006:0160 Moderate CentOS 4 axp tetex - security update
6:33PM 0 CESA-2006:0160 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 tetex - security update
6:33PM 0 CESA-2006:0184 Critical CentOS 4 axp kdelibs - security update
6:33PM 0 CESA-2006:0160 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 tetex - security update
6:32PM 1 CentOS 3.5 i386 is released
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:357 Low CentOS 4 i386 gzip - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:506 Low CentOS 4 ia64 mikmod - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:499 Modrate CentOS 3 ia64 gedit - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:410 Modrate CentOS 3 ia64 gftp - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:502 Modrate CentOS 4 ia64 sysreport - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:499 Modrate CentOS 4 ia64 gedit - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:502 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 sysreport - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:502 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 sysreport - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:499 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 gedit - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:499 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 gedit - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:410 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 gftp - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:502 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 sysreport - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:505 Low CentOS 4 x86_64 tcpdump - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:505 Low CentOS 4 i386 tcpdump - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:506 Low CentOS 4 i386 mikmod - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:102 Low CentOS 4 i386 dbus - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:102 Low CentOS 4 x86_64 dbus - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:506 Low CentOS 3 i386 mikmod - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:357 Low CentOS 4 x86_64 gzip - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:420 None CentOS 4 i386 kernel - Updated kernel package
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:357 Low CentOS 3 i386 gzip - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:506 Low CentOS 4 x86_64 mikmod - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:410 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 gftp - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:198 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 xorg-x11 - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:499 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 gedit - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:357 Low CentOS 3 ia64 gzip - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:499 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 gedit - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:410 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 gftp - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:502 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 sysreport - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:506 Low CentOS 3 x86_64 mikmod - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:505 Low CentOS 4 ia64 tcpdump - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:357 Low CentOS 3 x86_64 gzip - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:410 Modrate CentOS 4 ia64 gftp - security update
6:32PM 0 CentOS 4 ia64 - CentOS 4.1 ia64 is available
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:357 Low CentOS 4 ia64 gzip - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:xxx None CentOS 4 ia64 U1 - all of updated packages
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:410 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 gftp - security update
6:32PM 0 CentOS 4 i386 - CentOS 4.1 i386 is available
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:198 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 xorg-x11 - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:480 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 ImageMagick - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:433 Moderate CentOS 3 s390(x) postgresql - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:476 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 openssl - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:480 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 ImageMagick - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:433 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 postgresql - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:430 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 gnutls - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:433 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 postgresql - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:480 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 ImageMagick - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:165 Low CentOS 4 ia64 rsh - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:476 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 openssl - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:476 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 openssl - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:430 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 gnutls - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:433 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 postgresql - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:165 Low CentOS 4 x86_64 rsh - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:480-01: Moderate CentOS 2 i386 ImageMagick security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:420 None CentOS 4 x86_64 kernel - Updated kernel package
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:481-01: Low CentOS 2 i386 openssh security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:480 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 ImageMagick - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:102 Low CentOS 4 ia64 dbus - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:476 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 openssl - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:476-01: Moderate CentOS 2 i386 openssl security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:165 Low CentOS 4 i386 rsh - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:480 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 ImageMagick - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:198 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 xorg-x11 - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:476 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 openssl - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:430 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 gnutls - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:476 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 openssl - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:433 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 postgresql - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:433 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 postgresql - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:476 Moderate CentOS 3 s390(x) openssl - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:416-01: Low CentOS 2 i386 kdbg security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:420 None CentOS 4 ia64 kernel - Updated kernel package
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:480 Moderate CentOS 3 s390(x) ImageMagick - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:433 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 postgresql - security update
6:32PM 0 CESA-2005:480 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 ImageMagick - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:868 Important CentOS 4 ia64 kdegraphics - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:878 Important CentOS 3 x86_64 cups - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:881 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 perl - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:864 Important CentOS 4 s390(x) udev - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:881 Moderate CentOS 3 s390(x) perl - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:867 Important CentOS 4 ia64 gpdf - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:843 Moderate CentOS 3 s390(x) netpbm - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:875 Moderate CentOS 4 s390(x) curl - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:880 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 perl - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:864 Important CentOS 4 i386 udev - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:878 Important CentOS 4 s390(x) cups - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:840 Important CentOS 4 axp xpdf - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:880 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 perl - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:878 Important CentOS 4 axp cups - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:878 Important CentOS 4 ia64 cups - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:840 Important CentOS 3 s390(x) xpdf - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:878 Important CentOS 3 i386 cups - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:881 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 perl - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:840-02: Important CentOS 2 i386 xpdf security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:843-01: Moderate CentOS 2 i386 netpbm security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:843 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 netpbm - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:840 Important CentOS 3 ia64 xpdf - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:878 Important CentOS 3 ia64 cups - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:868 Important CentOS 4 i386 kdegraphics - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:867 Important CentOS 4 axp gpdf - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:868 Important CentOS 4 axp kdegraphics - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:880 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 perl - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:843 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 netpbm - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:864 Important CentOS 4 ia64 udev - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:875 Moderate CentOS 4 axp curl - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:864 Important CentOS 4 axp udev - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:840 Important CentOS 4 s390(x) xpdf - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:875 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 curl - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:880 Moderate CentOS 4 axp perl - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:840 Important CentOS 4 ia64 xpdf - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:881 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 perl - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:868 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 kdegraphics - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:868 Important CentOS 4 s390(x) kdegraphics - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:880 Moderate CentOS 4 s390(x) perl - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:867 Important CentOS 4 s390(x) gpdf - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:878 Important CentOS 3 s390(x) cups - security update
6:30PM 0 CEEA-2005:1206-001 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 php - enhancement update (CENTOSPLUS only)
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:848 Moderate CentOS 4x86_64 libc-client security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:840 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 xpdf security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:850 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 imap - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:848 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 libc-client security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:850 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 imap security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:840 Important CentOS 4 i386 xpdf security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:840-01: Important CentOS 2 i386 xpdf security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:843 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 netpbm - security update
6:30PM 0 CEEA-2005:1216-001 CentOS 4 x86_64 xfce - enhancement update (extras only)
6:30PM 0 CEEA-2005:1216-001 CentOS 4 i386 xfce - enhancement update (extras only)
6:30PM 0 CEBA:2005-1214-1 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 horde - bugfix update (Extras Only)
6:30PM 0 CEBA:2005-1214-1 Important CentOS 4 i386 horde - bugfix update (Extras Only)
6:30PM 1 CESA-2005:840 Important CentOS 3 i386 xpdf - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:850 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 imap - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:840 Important CentOS 4 axp xpdf security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:840 Important CentOS 4 ia64 xpdf security update
6:30PM 0 CEBA-2005:1210-1 CentOS 4 x86_64 jfsutils - bugfix update (CENTOSPLUS Only)
6:30PM 1 CESA-2005:840 Important CentOS 3 x86_64 xpdf - security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:850 Moderate CentOS 3 s390(x) imap security update
6:30PM 0 CESA:2005-1212-1 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 horde - security update (Extras Only)
6:30PM 0 CESA:2005-1212-1 Important CentOS 4 i386 horde - security update (Extras Only)
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:848 Moderate CentOS 4 axp libc-client security update
6:30PM 0 CEBA:2005-1214-2 CentOS 4 i386 nx - bugfix update (Extras Only)
6:30PM 0 Cluster Suite 4 and Global File System 6.1 for CentOS-4
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:850-01: Moderate CentOS 2 i386 imap security update
6:30PM 0 CEEA-2005:1206-001 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 php - enhancement update (CENTOSPLUS only)
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:840 Important CentOS 3 ia64 xpdf security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:848 Moderate CentOS 4 s390(x) libc-client security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:840 Important CentOS 4 s390(x) xpdf security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:840 Important CentOS 3 s390(x) xpdf security update
6:30PM 0 CESA-2005:848 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 libc-client security update
6:30PM 0 CEBA-2005:1210-1 CentOS 4 i386 jfsutils - bugfix update (CENTOSPLUS Only)
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:524 Moderate CentOS 3 s390(x) freeradius - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:517 Critical CentOS 4 i386 HelixPlayer - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:498 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 spamassassin - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:498 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 spamassassin - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:535 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 sudo - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:517 Critical CentOS 4 x86_64 HelixPlayer - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:535 Moderate CentOS 3 s390(x) sudo - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:524 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 freeradius - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:535 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 sudo - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:535-04: Moderate CentOS 2 i386 sudo security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:524 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 freeradius - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:535 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 sudo - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:535 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 sudo - security update
6:29PM 0 CentOS-4/alpha 4.1beta is there to play
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:535 Moderate CentOS 4 xi386 sudo - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:535 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 sudo - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:504 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 telnet - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:410-01: Moderate CentOS 2 i386 gftp security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:504 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 telnet - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:415 Low CentOS 4 i386 squid - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:415 Low CentOS 3 s390(x) squid - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:410 Modrate CentOS 3 s390(x) gftp - security update
6:29PM 0 CentOS 3.5 is now final
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:474-01: Low CentOS 2 i386 bzip2 security update
6:29PM 1 CESA-2005:474 Low CentOS 4 x86_64 bzip2 - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:518 Moderate CentOS i386 gaim - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:504 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 telnet - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:518 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 gaim- security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:474 Low CentOS i386 bzip2 - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:495-01: Low CentOS 2 i386 rsh security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:504 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 telnet - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:474 Low CentOS 3 ia64 bzip2 - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:474 Low CentOS x86_64 bzip2 - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:415 Low CentOS x86_64 squid - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:415 Low CentOS 4 x86_64 squid - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:506 Low CentOS 3 s390(x) mikmod - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:502 Modrate CentOS 3 ia64 sysreport - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:518 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 gaim - security update
6:29PM 0 CentOS 4 x86_64 - CentOS 4.1 x86_64 is available
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:498 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 spamassassin - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:518 Moderate CentOS x86_64 gaim - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:518 Moderate CentOS 3 s390(x) gaim - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:357 Low CentOS 3 s390(x) gzip - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:502 Modrate CentOS 3 s390(x) sysreport - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:502-01: Moderate CentOS 2 i386 sysreport security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:415 Low CentOS 4 ia64 squid - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:512-01: Moderate CentOS 2 i386 mc security update
6:29PM 1 CESA-2005:474 Low CentOS 4 ia64 bzip2 - security update
6:29PM 0 CentOS 4.1 is now released and is set to be the default CentOS 4 version
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:504 Moderate CentOS x86_64 telnet - security update
6:29PM 1 CESA-2005:504 Moderate CentOS i386 telnet - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:357-01: Low CentOS 2 i386 gzip security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:506 Low CentOS 3 ia64 mikmod - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:524 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 freeradius - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:524 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 freeradius - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:506-01: Low CentOS 2 i386 mikmod security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:474 Low CentOS 3 s390(x) bzip2 - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:499 Modrate CentOS 3 s390(x) gedit - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:504 Moderate CentOS 3 s390(x) telnet - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:524 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 freeradius - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:504-00: Moderate CentOS 2 i386 telnet security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:524 Moderate CentOS 3 ia64 freeradius - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:518 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 gaim - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:518 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 gaim - security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:415 Low CentOS i386 squid - security update
6:29PM 0 CentOS 4.1 ia64 is now final
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:489-01: Low CentOS 2 i386 squid security update
6:29PM 0 CESA-2005:415 Low CentOS 3 ia64 squid - security update
6:29PM 1 CESA-2005:474 Low CentOS 4 i386 bzip2 - security update
6:16PM 0 CESA-2005:864 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 udev - security update
6:16PM 0 CEBA:2005-1229-1 CentOS 4 i386 libtool - bugfix update
6:16PM 0 CEBA:2005-1229-1 CentOS 4 x86_64 libtool - bugfix update
6:16PM 0 CESA-2005:840 Important CentOS 4 i386 xpdf - security update
6:16PM 0 CESA-2005:878 Important CentOS 4 i386 cups - security update
6:16PM 0 CEBA:2005-1224-1 CentOS 4 i386 dbh - bugfix update (Extras Only)
6:16PM 0 CESA-2005:875 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 curl - security update
6:16PM 0 CEBA:2005-1224-1 CentOS 4 x86_64 dbh - bugfix update (Extras Only)
6:16PM 0 CESA-2005:878 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 cups - security update
6:16PM 0 CESA-2005:867 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 gpdf - security update
6:16PM 0 CESA-2005:840 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 xpdf - security update
6:16PM 0 CESA-2005:867 Important CentOS 4 i386 gpdf - security update
6:16PM 0 CESA-2005:875 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 curl - security update