Announcing the the 0.2.0 release of parasite and the camping_generator.
Parasite (from the project page --
Camping app developers no longer have any reason to envy their Ruby on
Rails friends: Parasite brings generators, environments, and other
Rails-y goodness to the world of Camping app development.
Parasite is currently at version 0.2. The Parasite package is composed
of two gems: parasite and the camping_generator. The first provides a
way to hook into the Rails development environment, while the second
provides a generator for creating Camping apps quickly and painlessly.
More details on installation and usage can be found at:
And to get you interested, some new features/changes in this release:
Release 0-2-0
-- added parasite executable, links into rails environment
-- updated generator to be compatible with changes in Rails
-- updated generator to be compatible with changes in Camping
-- cleaned up some behind the scenes stuff