Jakob-Matthias Böttger
2014-Feb-03 07:34 UTC
[asterisk-users] Incoming Fax Issue with Asterisk 11.7 and Digium Fax
Hi, im using a Asterisk Server which is not behind NAT. First i had problems with the fax detection. But this is now solved after adding a wait(2) at the correct place. But i'm still unable to receive a fax due to res_rtp_asterisk.c:3548 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read too short after the Fax session has started. My sip.conf includes [general] allowguest=no alwaysauthreject=yes sendrpid=rpid trustrpid=yes language=de videosupport=yes callevents=yes qualify=yes nat=force_rport,comedia faxdetect=yes t38pt_udptl=yes,redundancy,maxdatagram=400 directrtpsetup=yes disallow=all allow=ulaw allow=alaw and the corresponding Peer [sipcall.ch] type=peer insecure=invite defaultuser=123456789 fromuser=123456789 fromdomain=voipdomain.com secret=gueswhat host=voipdomain.com qualify=yes context=from-sip dtmfmode=rfc2833 callbackextension=123456789 the Dialplan [inbound] exten => _X.,1,Answer() exten => _X.,n,Set(DB(lastcaller/number)=${CALLERID(num)}) exten => _X.,n,GotoIf(${BLACKLIST()}?black,1) exten => _X.,n,Wait(2) exten => _X.,n,Dial(SIP/200&SIP/201,60,tToxX) exten => _X.,n,Goto(ausser-zeit,_X.,3) exten => _X.,n,Hangup() exten => fax,1,NoOp(**** FAX DETECTED ****) exten => fax,n,Goto(fax-rx,receive,1) [fax-rx] exten => receive,1,NoOp(**** FAX RECEIVE ****) exten => receive,n,Set(GLOBAL(FAXCOUNT)=$["${GLOBAL(FAXCOUNT)}" + "1"]) exten => receive,n,Set(FAXCOUNT=${GLOBAL(FAXCOUNT)}) exten => receive,n,Set(FAXFILE=fax-${FAXCOUNT}-rx.tif) exten => receive,n,Set(GLOBAL(LASTFAXCALLERoNUM)=${CALLERID(num)}) exten => receive,n,Set(GLOBAL(LASTFAXCALLERNAME)=${CALLERID(name)}) exten => receive,n,NoOp(**** SETTING FAXOPT ****) exten => receive,n,Set(FAXOPT(ecm)=yes) exten => receive,n,Set(FAXOPT(headerinfo)=MYFAX RX) exten => receive,n,Set(FAXOPT(localstationid)=1234567890) exten => receive,n,Set(FAXOPT(maxrate)=14400) exten => receive,n,Set(FAXOPT(minrate)=2400) exten => receive,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(ecm) : ${FAXOPT(ecm)}) exten => receive,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(headerinfo) : ${FAXOPT(headerinfo)}) exten => receive,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(localstationid) : ${FAXOPT(localstationid)}) exten => receive,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(maxrate) : ${FAXOPT(maxrate)}) exten => receive,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(minrate) : ${FAXOPT(minrate)}) exten => receive,n,NoOp(**** RECEIVING FAX : ${FAXFILE} ****) exten => receive,n,ReceiveFAX(/var/spool/asterisk/faxin/${FAXFILE},dfs) exten => h,1,NoOp(FAXOPT(ecm) : ${FAXOPT(ecm)}) exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(filename) : ${FAXOPT(filename)}) exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(headerinfo) : ${FAXOPT(headerinfo)}) exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(localstationid) : ${FAXOPT(localstationid)}) exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(maxrate) : ${FAXOPT(maxrate)}) exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(minrate) : ${FAXOPT(minrate)}) exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(pages) : ${FAXOPT(pages)}) exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(rate) : ${FAXOPT(rate)}) exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(remotestationid) : ${FAXOPT(remotestationid)}) exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(resolution) : ${FAXOPT(resolution)}) exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(status) : ${FAXOPT(status)}) exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(statusstr) : ${FAXOPT(statusstr)}) exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(error) : ${FAXOPT(error)}) udptl.conf [general] udptlstart=4000 udptlend=4999 udptlfecentries = 3 udptlfecspan = 3 use_even_ports = no rtp.conf [general] rtpstart=10000 rtpend=20000 res_fax.conf [general] maxrate=14400 minrate=2400 statusevents=yes modems=v17,v27,v29 ecm=yes mail*CLI> core set verbose 6 Set remote console verbosity to 6 == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 -- Executing [41325122774 at from-sip:1] Answer("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "") in new stack > 0x7f3964080f30 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to 123.456.789.123:20600 Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042281, ts 1387619622, len 000160) -- Executing [41325122774 at from-sip:2] Set("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "DB(lastcaller/number)=987654321") in new stack -- Executing [41325122774 at from-sip:3] GotoIf("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "0?black,1") in new stack -- Executing [41325122774 at from-sip:4] Wait("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "2") in new stack Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042282, ts 1387619782, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042283, ts 1387619942, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042284, ts 1387620102, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042285, ts 1387620262, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042286, ts 1387620422, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042287, ts 1387620582, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042288, ts 1387620742, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042289, ts 1387620902, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042290, ts 1387621062, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042291, ts 1387621222, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042292, ts 1387621382, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042293, ts 1387621542, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042294, ts 1387621702, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042295, ts 1387621862, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042296, ts 1387622022, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042297, ts 1387622182, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042298, ts 1387622342, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042299, ts 1387622502, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042300, ts 1387622662, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042301, ts 1387622822, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042302, ts 1387622982, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042303, ts 1387623142, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042304, ts 1387623302, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042305, ts 1387623462, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042306, ts 1387623622, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042307, ts 1387623782, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042308, ts 1387623942, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042309, ts 1387624102, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042310, ts 1387624262, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042311, ts 1387624422, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042312, ts 1387624582, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042313, ts 1387624742, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042314, ts 1387624902, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042315, ts 1387625062, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042316, ts 1387625222, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042317, ts 1387625382, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042318, ts 1387625542, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042319, ts 1387625702, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042320, ts 1387625862, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042321, ts 1387626022, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042322, ts 1387626182, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042323, ts 1387626342, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042324, ts 1387626502, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042325, ts 1387626662, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042326, ts 1387626822, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042327, ts 1387626982, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042328, ts 1387627142, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042329, ts 1387627302, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042330, ts 1387627462, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042331, ts 1387627622, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042332, ts 1387627782, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042333, ts 1387627942, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042334, ts 1387628102, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042335, ts 1387628262, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042336, ts 1387628422, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042337, ts 1387628582, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042338, ts 1387628742, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042339, ts 1387628902, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042340, ts 1387629062, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042341, ts 1387629222, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042342, ts 1387629382, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042343, ts 1387629542, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042344, ts 1387629702, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042345, ts 1387629862, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042346, ts 1387630022, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042347, ts 1387630182, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042348, ts 1387630342, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042349, ts 1387630502, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042350, ts 1387630662, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042351, ts 1387630822, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042352, ts 1387630982, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042353, ts 1387631142, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042354, ts 1387631302, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042355, ts 1387631462, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042356, ts 1387631622, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042357, ts 1387631782, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042358, ts 1387631942, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042359, ts 1387632102, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042360, ts 1387632262, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042361, ts 1387632422, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042362, ts 1387632582, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042363, ts 1387632742, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042364, ts 1387632902, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042365, ts 1387633062, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042366, ts 1387633222, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042367, ts 1387633382, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042368, ts 1387633542, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042369, ts 1387633702, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042370, ts 1387633862, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042371, ts 1387634022, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042372, ts 1387634182, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042373, ts 1387634342, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042374, ts 1387634502, len 000160) == Redirecting 'SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d' to fax extension due to CNG detection == Spawn extension (from-sip, fax, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d' -- Executing [fax at from-sip:1] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "**** FAX DETECTED ****") in new stack -- Executing [fax at from-sip:2] Goto("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "fax-rx,receive,1") in new stack -- Goto (fax-rx,receive,1) -- Executing [receive at fax-rx:1] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "**** FAX RECEIVE ****") in new stack [Feb 3 08:14:43] WARNING[22186][C-0000006b]: ast_expr2.y:1298 op_plus: non-numeric argument -- Executing [receive at fax-rx:2] Set("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "GLOBAL(FAXCOUNT)=0") in new stack == Setting global variable 'FAXCOUNT' to '0' -- Executing [receive at fax-rx:3] Set("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXCOUNT=0") in new stack -- Executing [receive at fax-rx:4] Set("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXFILE=fax-0-rx.tif") in new stack -- Executing [receive at fax-rx:5] Set("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "GLOBAL(LASTFAXCALLERoNUM)=987654321") in new stack == Setting global variable 'LASTFAXCALLERoNUM' to '987654321' -- Executing [receive at fax-rx:6] Set("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "GLOBAL(LASTFAXCALLERNAME)=987654321") in new stack == Setting global variable 'LASTFAXCALLERNAME' to '987654321' -- Executing [receive at fax-rx:7] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "**** SETTING FAXOPT ****") in new stack -- Executing [receive at fax-rx:8] Set("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(ecm)=yes") in new stack -- Executing [receive at fax-rx:9] Set("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(headerinfo)=MYFAX RX") in new stack -- Executing [receive at fax-rx:10] Set("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(localstationid)=1234567890") in new stack -- Executing [receive at fax-rx:11] Set("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(maxrate)=14400") in new stack -- Executing [receive at fax-rx:12] Set("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(minrate)=2400") in new stack -- Executing [receive at fax-rx:13] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(ecm) : yes") in new stack -- Executing [receive at fax-rx:14] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(headerinfo) : MYFAX RX") in new stack -- Executing [receive at fax-rx:15] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(localstationid) : 1234567890") in new stack -- Executing [receive at fax-rx:16] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(maxrate) : 14400") in new stack -- Executing [receive at fax-rx:17] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(minrate) : 2400") in new stack -- Executing [receive at fax-rx:18] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "**** RECEIVING FAX : fax-0-rx.tif ****") in new stack -- Executing [receive at fax-rx:19] ReceiveFAX("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "/var/spool/asterisk/faxin/fax-0-rx.tif,dfs") in new stack -- Channel 'SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d' receiving FAX '/var/spool/asterisk/faxin/fax-0-rx.tif' Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042375, ts 1387634662, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 048078, ts 000160, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042376, ts 1387634822, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 048079, ts 000320, len 000160) ....... Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042377, ts 1387634982, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042521, ts 1387658022, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 048225, ts 023680, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042522, ts 1387658182, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 048226, ts 023840, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042523, ts 1387658342, len 000160) Sent RTP packet to 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 048227, ts 024000, len 000160) == Using UDPTL CoS mark 5 Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042524, ts 1387658502, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042525, ts 1387658662, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042526, ts 1387658822, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042527, ts 1387658982, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042528, ts 1387659142, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042529, ts 1387659302, len 000160) Got RTP packet from 123.456.789.123:20600 (type 00, seq 042530, ts 1387659462, len 000160) -- Channel 'SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d' FAX session '9' started [Feb 3 08:14:54] WARNING[22186][C-0000006b]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:3548 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read too short [Feb 3 08:14:54] WARNING[22186][C-0000006b]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:3548 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read too short [Feb 3 08:14:54] WARNING[22186][C-0000006b]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:3548 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read too short [Feb 3 08:14:54] WARNING[22186][C-0000006b]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:3548 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read too short [Feb 3 08:14:54] WARNING[22186][C-0000006b]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:3548 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read too short [Feb 3 08:14:54] WARNING[22186][C-0000006b]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:3548 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read too short [Feb 3 08:14:56] WARNING[22186][C-0000006b]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:3548 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read too short [Feb 3 08:14:56] WARNING[22186][C-0000006b]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:3548 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read too short [Feb 3 08:15:12] WARNING[22186][C-0000006b]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:3548 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read too short [Feb 3 08:15:12] WARNING[22186][C-0000006b]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:3548 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read too short [Feb 3 08:15:25] WARNING[20125]: chan_sip.c:4409 __sip_autodestruct: Autodestruct on dialog '7b359fdd-5b230171-45551f95-1983 at sip.iforb.com~1o' with owner SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d in place (Method: BYE). Rescheduling destruction for 10000 ms [Feb 3 08:15:28] ERROR[22186][C-0000006b]: res_fax.c:1535 generic_fax_exec: channel 'SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d' FAX session '9' failure, reason: 'fax session timed-out' (TIMEOUT) == Spawn extension (fax-rx, receive, 19) exited non-zero on 'SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d' -- Executing [h at fax-rx:1] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(ecm) : yes") in new stack -- Executing [h at fax-rx:2] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(filename) : /var/spool/asterisk/faxin/fax-0-rx.tif") in new stack -- Executing [h at fax-rx:3] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(headerinfo) : FAX RX") in new stack -- Executing [h at fax-rx:4] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(localstationid) : 1234567890") in new stack -- Executing [h at fax-rx:5] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(maxrate) : 14400") in new stack -- Executing [h at fax-rx:6] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(minrate) : 2400") in new stack -- Executing [h at fax-rx:7] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(pages) : 0") in new stack -- Executing [h at fax-rx:8] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(rate) : ") in new stack -- Executing [h at fax-rx:9] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(remotestationid) : ") in new stack -- Executing [h at fax-rx:10] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(resolution) : ") in new stack -- Executing [h at fax-rx:11] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(status) : FAILED") in new stack -- Executing [h at fax-rx:12] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(statusstr) : remote channel hungup") in new stack -- Executing [h at fax-rx:13] NoOp("SIP/sipcall.ch-0000008d", "FAXOPT(error) : HANGUP") in new stack any hints? Best Regards Jakob
Larry Moore
2014-Feb-03 10:57 UTC
[asterisk-users] Incoming Fax Issue with Asterisk 11.7 and Digium Fax
On 3/02/2014 3:34 PM, Jakob-Matthias B?ttger wrote: . . .> > [sipcall.ch] > type=peer > insecure=invite > defaultuser=123456789 > fromuser=123456789 > fromdomain=voipdomain.com > secret=gueswhat > host=voipdomain.com > qualify=yes > context=from-sip > dtmfmode=rfc2833 > callbackextension=123456789 >add directmedia=no setvar=FAXOPT(gateway)=no change insecure=port,invite> > [fax-rx] > > exten => receive,1,NoOp(**** FAX RECEIVE ****) > exten => receive,n,Set(GLOBAL(FAXCOUNT)=$["${GLOBAL(FAXCOUNT)}" + "1"]) > exten => receive,n,Set(FAXCOUNT=${GLOBAL(FAXCOUNT)})Do you want to keep your received faxes or is it OK to overwrite them the next time asterisk is re-started!?> > udptl.conf > [general] > udptlstart=4000 > udptlend=4999 > udptlfecentries = 3 > udptlfecspan = 3 > use_even_ports = no >You may want to change use_even_ports=yes You will need to restart Asterisk for this change. Some other suggestion if the above doesn't help are; faxdetect=cng t38pt_udptl=no Larry.
Maybe Matching Threads
- Digium fax - sending fax call file vs manager originate
- Sending faxes with T.38 problem. Fax for Asterisk (no SpanDSP) -
- Fax t38 capability
- Fax for Asterisk, capable of receiving from website but not from fax machine !!
- Problem with ReceiveFAX app from FFA