Hi Steve,
Le 11/12/2013 22:23, Steve Murphy a ?crit :>
> In putting together the SoundPack code, I am looking at the
> various language/locale specific code, and wondering how it all
> really stands...
> So, share with me, non-English speakers, what is your experience
> and impression?
> I heard a few comments during AstriDevCon, that some of the languages
> are not quite right; some said their language was understandable, but...
> Would anyone be willing to share with me, the problems they have with
> various translations?
For instance, beside French, you can also have Canadian French, Belgium
French, Switzerland French, ...
Some words are not the same or not existing, accent is different, saying
numbers (90 is "quatre ving dix" in French but "nonente" in
Belgium or
Switzerland) aso.
> Do they pronounce numbers in a grammatically correct fashion? Any
> issues with gender/tense/whatever?
> Are the sound sets in other languages easily findable and downloadable?
> I see a good selection on
> http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+sound+files+international
Yes, valid selection. FYI Debian has ready packages for languages.