On Tue, 5 Feb 2013, Darin Iv wrote:
> Is there any solution, I want to know at first sight from which division
> the voicemail came from like for example I need 3 more users to send
> when some one calls an inbound route named darin when it reaches darin
> voicemail then admin should send from darin at yahoo.com
I'm not sure what you want...
I'm guessing you want to send voicemail as email and set the 'from'
address based on the inbound route.
In voicemail.conf, you can set the program used to send email. This could
be a 'wrapper' for looking up the 'from' address and
constructing a
command line to execute either sendmail or sendEmail.pl or whatever.
Thanks in advance,
Steve Edwards sedwards at sedwards.com Voice: +1-760-468-3867 PST
Newline Fax: +1-760-731-3000