Hi all, I'm ironing out some remaining issues from a 1.6.x to 10.2.x upgrade. I've been able to recover the ability to get CDR's in my Mysql database, but I had to unload cdr_adaptive_odbc.so and revert back to cdr_odbc.so to get it to work... partially. I really need to use adaptive cdr's because I'm trying to store jitter statistics and such. If I unload cdr_odbc and load cdr_adaptive_odbc.so, I no longer get new cdr's. My cdr_odbc.conf contains: ================================================[global] dsn => diehlnet username => user password => password pre-connect => yes loguniqueid=yes dispositionstring=yes ================================================ The diehlnet dsn refers to an ODBC datasource, so here is my /etc/unixODBC/odbc.ini: ================================================[diehlnet] Description = MySQL test database Trace = Off TraceFile = stderr Driver = MySQL SERVER = EXAMPLE.com USER = USER PASSWORD = PASSWORD PORT = 3306 DATABASE = DATABASE ================================================ When I try to load cdr_adaptive_odbc.so, I get this on the console: (trimmed) ================================================CLI> module load cdr_adaptive_odbc.so Loaded cdr_adaptive_odbc.so [Aug 15 20:16:10] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf': [Aug 15 20:16:10] == Found [Aug 15 20:16:10] -- Found adaptive CDR table cdr at diehlnet. [Aug 15 20:16:10] > Found calldate column with type -10 with len 16777215, octetlen 16777215, and numlen (0,0) [Aug 15 20:16:10] > Found duration column with type -5 with len 19, octetlen 19, and numlen (0,10) [Aug 15 20:16:10] > Found billsec column with type -5 with len 19, octetlen 19, and numlen (0,10) [Aug 15 20:16:10] > Found disposition column with type -9 with len 45, octetlen 135, and numlen (0,0) [Aug 15 20:16:10] > Found amaflags column with type -5 with len 19, octetlen 19, and numlen (0,10) [Aug 15 20:16:10] > Found accountcode column with type -9 with len 20, octetlen 60, and numlen (0,0) [Aug 15 20:16:10] > Found uniqueid column with type -9 with len 32, octetlen 96, and numlen (0,0) [Aug 15 20:16:10] > Found userfield column with type -9 with len 255, octetlen 765, and numlen (0,0) [Aug 15 20:16:10] > Found clid column with type -9 with len 80, octetlen 240, and numlen (0,0) [Aug 15 20:16:10] > Found src column with type -9 with len 80, octetlen 240, and numlen (0,0) [Aug 15 20:16:10] > Found dst column with type -9 with len 80, octetlen 240, and numlen (0,0) [Aug 15 20:16:10] > Found dcontext column with type -9 with len 80, octetlen 240, and numlen (0,0) [Aug 15 20:16:10] > Found channel column with type -9 with len 80, octetlen 240, and numlen (0,0) [Aug 15 20:16:10] > Found dstchannel column with type -9 with len 80, octetlen 240, and numlen (0,0) [Aug 15 20:16:10] > Found lastapp column with type -9 with len 80, octetlen 240, and numlen (0,0) [Aug 15 20:16:10] > Found lastdata column with type -9 with len 80, octetlen 240, and numlen (0,0) [Aug 15 20:16:10] > Found id column with type 4 with len 10, octetlen 10, and numlen (0,10) [Aug 15 20:16:10] > Found recvip column with type -9 with len 16, octetlen 48, and numlen (0,0) [Aug 15 20:16:10] > Found peerip column with type -9 with len 16, octetlen 48, and numlen (0,0) [Aug 15 20:16:10] Loaded cdr_adaptive_odbc.so => (Adaptive ODBC CDR backend) ================================================ When I complete a call, I get this on the console: ================================================[Aug 15 20:20:01] WARNING[10348]: cdr_adaptive_odbc.c:686 odbc_log: Column type -9 (field 'diehlnet:cdr:disposition') is unsupported at this time. [Aug 15 20:20:01] WARNING[10348]: cdr_adaptive_odbc.c:686 odbc_log: Column type -9 (field 'diehlnet:cdr:accountcode') is unsupported at this time. [Aug 15 20:20:01] WARNING[10348]: cdr_adaptive_odbc.c:686 odbc_log: Column type -9 (field 'diehlnet:cdr:uniqueid') is unsupported at this time. [Aug 15 20:20:01] WARNING[10348]: cdr_adaptive_odbc.c:686 odbc_log: Column type -9 (field 'diehlnet:cdr:clid') is unsupported at this time. [Aug 15 20:20:01] WARNING[10348]: cdr_adaptive_odbc.c:686 odbc_log: Column type -9 (field 'diehlnet:cdr:src') is unsupported at this time. [Aug 15 20:20:01] WARNING[10348]: cdr_adaptive_odbc.c:686 odbc_log: Column type -9 (field 'diehlnet:cdr:dst') is unsupported at this time. [Aug 15 20:20:01] WARNING[10348]: cdr_adaptive_odbc.c:686 odbc_log: Column type -9 (field 'diehlnet:cdr:dcontext') is unsupported at this time. [Aug 15 20:20:01] WARNING[10348]: cdr_adaptive_odbc.c:686 odbc_log: Column type -9 (field 'diehlnet:cdr:channel') is unsupported at this time. [Aug 15 20:20:01] WARNING[10348]: cdr_adaptive_odbc.c:686 odbc_log: Column type -9 (field 'diehlnet:cdr:dstchannel') is unsupported at this time. [Aug 15 20:20:01] WARNING[10348]: cdr_adaptive_odbc.c:686 odbc_log: Column type -9 (field 'diehlnet:cdr:lastapp') is unsupported at this time. [Aug 15 20:20:01] WARNING[10348]: cdr_adaptive_odbc.c:686 odbc_log: Column type -9 (field 'diehlnet:cdr:lastdata') is unsupported at this time. [Aug 15 20:20:01] WARNING[10348]: cdr_adaptive_odbc.c:686 odbc_log: Column type -9 (field 'diehlnet:cdr:recvip') is unsupported at this time. [Aug 15 20:20:01] WARNING[10348]: cdr_adaptive_odbc.c:686 odbc_log: Column type -9 (field 'diehlnet:cdr:peerip') is unsupported at this time. [Aug 15 20:20:01] WARNING[10348]: cdr_adaptive_odbc.c:686 odbc_log: Column type -9 (field 'diehlnet:cdr:src_number') is unsupported at this time. [Aug 15 20:20:01] WARNING[10348]: cdr_adaptive_odbc.c:686 odbc_log: Column type -9 (field 'diehlnet:cdr:dst_number') is unsupported at this time. [Aug 15 20:20:01] WARNING[10348]: cdr_adaptive_odbc.c:686 odbc_log: Column type -9 (field 'diehlnet:cdr:trunk') is unsupported at this time. [Aug 15 20:20:01] WARNING[10348]: cdr_adaptive_odbc.c:686 odbc_log: Column type -8 (field 'diehlnet:cdr:direction') is unsupported at this time. [Aug 15 20:20:01] > [INSERT INTO cdr (duration,billsec,amaflags) VALUES (13,8,3)] ================================================ I know that my Mysql is configured for ut8 encoding and I'm running unixODBC 2.3.0. Asterisk is configured to use Unicode and has been made clean and re-installed. Any ideas on how to get this to work? -- Take care and have fun, Mike Diehl. -- Mike Diehl.