On 08/10/2012 11:23 AM, Jerry Geis wrote:> I have a profile in confbridge
> [MessageNetConfBridge]
> and more...
> Asterisk is reading it at startup.
> [1;30m == ^[[0mParsing '/etc/asterisk/confbridge.conf': ^[[1;30m
> ^[[0mFound
> ^[[1;30m ^[[0mapp_confbridge.so => (^[[0;33mConference Bridge
> Application^[[0m)
> When I try to use it I get a warning about
> WARNING[20678] app_confbridge.c: Conference bridge profile
> MessageNetConfBridge does not exist
> My dialplan looks like:
> exten => new_app_confbridge,1,ConfBridge(${agi_pa_meetme},
> MessageNetConfBridge)
> Not sure how its not picking it up?
> What did I miss?
> Jerry
Clearly I have conf bridge:
confbridge show profile bridge MessageNetConfBridge
Name: MessageNetConfBridge
Internal Sample Rate: 8000
Mixing Interval: Default 20ms
Record Conference: no
Record File: Auto Generated
Max Members: No Limit
Video Mode: no video
sound_join: confbridge-join
sound_leave: confbridge-leave
sound_only_person: conf-onlyperson
sound_has_joined: conf-hasjoin
sound_has_left: conf-hasleft
sound_kicked: conf-kicked
sound_muted: conf-muted
sound_unmuted: conf-unmuted
sound_there_are: conf-thereare
sound_other_in_party: conf-otherinparty
sound_place_into_conference: conf-placeintoconf
sound_wait_for_leader: conf-waitforleader
sound_leader_has_left: conf-leaderhasleft
sound_get_pin: conf-getpin
sound_invalid_pin: conf-invalidpin
sound_locked: conf-locked
sound_unlocked_now: conf-unlockednow
sound_lockednow: conf-lockednow
sound_error_menu: conf-errormenu
So why is it telling me I do not?