On 11-07-23 10:30 AM, Armand Fumal wrote:> Hi all,
> I need help for make a pattern for a special case that i can't find the
> In my case I want to match these in one pattern:
> This is the same ext that can come in 4 cases
> exten => _42704701,1,Macro(dialfax,${EXTEN:-8}) ; case with 42704701
> exten => _X42704701,1,Macro(dialfax,${EXTEN:-8}) ; case with 042704701
> exten => _XXXX42704701,1,Macro(dialfax,${EXTEN:-8}) ; case with
> exten => _XXX42704701,1,Macro(dialfax,${EXTEN:-8}) ; case with
> I have try _.42704701 but the parser stop to check after the point
"." :-(
> So did you have any suggestion ?
Ya you can't match anything after the '.' in pattern matching.
I'm not sure the pattern matcher is really capable of doing what you want
The only way to do it really is to match less restrictively and perform a check
using dialplan applications/functions, and then if nothing is found, to fall
Perhaps something like:
exten => _XXXXXXXXXXX,1,NoOp()
same => n,ExecIf($["${EXTEN:-8}" =
same => n,Verbose(2,Did not match -- falling through)
same => n,Playback(invalid)
same => n,Hangup()
I'm pretty sure that's the only way you can do it in a single line (the
Leif Madsen.