Hi all, Sorry for the crosspost but I assume this may be of interest to both businesses and users. The Daily Asterisk News (running since 2004) is now accepting article submissions. Basically I've created a submission form where you specify whether your post is commercial or non commercial and I'll be reviewing each article to check what it falls under. You'll be able to specify whether you want to hide commercial posts or not. What we're looking for is anything cool you're doing with Asterisk or any products you've created that work with Asterisk. If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to mail me on them. Oh, and we've moved the Daily Asterisk News web server to Dallas, TX, so it should be a bit quicker for those of you in the states - well, anywhere except New Zealand really :) -- Cheers, Matt Riddell _______________________________________________ http://www.venturevoip.com/news.php (Daily Asterisk News) http://www.venturevoip.com/exchange.php (Full ITSP Solution) http://www.venturevoip.com/cc.php (Call Centre Solutions)