2008-Dec-24 11:28 UTC
[asterisk-users] Friday Dec 26th : VUC about Skype for Asterisk
Hi, I hope everyone will have a joyous holiday time. If you happen to find yourself at loose ends on Friday after the eat and drink fest that many of us will be privileged to enjoy Thursday, come and talk with us about Skype for Asterisk. Steve Sokol, who's in charge of the beta for this module at Digium, has courageously agreed to give us a report on how it's coming along. Spread this URL around on your social network : tr.im/voip and remember all the information about the VUC is at VoipUsersConference.org witjh IRC back chat at #voip-users-conference on Freenode.net. I've been a part of the asterisk community for several years and I want to reiterate how much this means to me each passing year. I've had a chance to meet many of you in person, especially Digium people, but many others as well. We have a great core group on the VUC, too. You're a fantastic group and as is sometimes the case with these things, the whole definitely more than just the sum of the parts. HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR to everyone in the Asterisk and VoIP Users community ! /r It happens at 12 Noon ET Friday December 26th: Skype/Asterisk progress with Steve Sokol SIP URI: Talkshoe at vuc.onsip.com PSTN: (724) 444-7444 when connected, enter: 22622# and your PIN# if you do not have a PIN, use 1#