nik600 a ?crit :> Hi to all.
> I'm using Asterisk 1.4 with Sjphone as softphone.
> My problem is that when a SIP user is busy, he still receive calls
> from asterisk.
> I've tried to setup the call-limit preference to 1, but with this kind
> of configuration the user can't transfer calls, as the system block
> the 2nd call generated to do the transfer.
> I've also tried to set the user as friend, limitonpeers = yes and
call-limit =1.
> In that case the work-around works but only when the user is the
> receiver of the call that makes him busy.
> If the user is the caller, he still receive a second call.
> So, isn't there any method to limit the call available for a user to 1
> but granting him the possibility to transfer a call?
> I know that there is the busy-level settings, but i'ts available only
in 1.6.
> Thanks to all in advance.
Have you tried to set the call-limit to 10 or 2 for example, i know it's
what's needed for the queue system to detect
busy on sip softphone